Chapter 8

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[Nobody's Pov]

Chaeyoung and Nayeon hear the scream and start running to where Y/n is, only to see the tall girl crying as she hugs Y/n.

Chaeyoung feels a drop of jealousy in her heart, but at the same time wants to know what's going on.

Y/n: Do you know me?

?: Of course I know you! You're my best friend!

Y/n: What's my name again?

?: Y/n! Wait, didn't you die?

Y/n: I- Just tell me who you are first!

J: I'm Yoo Jeongyeon, we've been neighbors and best friends since we were little!

Y/n: Yoo Jeongyeon...

At the moment Y/n says the name out loud she faints and falls back, almost hitting her head in the ground, but fortunately Chaeyoung standing behind her catches her before she hits the ground.

C: Y/n wake up!

Chaeyoung shouts in a panicked tone.

Y/n starts slowly opening her eyes and immidetietly gets up sitting from laying on Chaeyoungs lap.

Y/n: I remember!

J&N: You do!?

Y/n: I only remember some parts of my life, but Jeongyeon, who's the Jokbal girl?

J: Jokbal girl?

Y/n: I remember a girl, we ate a lot of Jokbal and were together a lot.

J: I think you're talking about your ex

C: Ex???

J: Momo

N: Wait Momo?

Y/n: Do you know her???

C: Yall this is getting confusing, so Jeongyeon can you just tell us everything about Y/n? Who her parents are, who are people close to her???

J: Um okay? She's almost 23, she doesn't have parents she's an orphan. She studied literature in university, and then she was murdered...

C: Wait what!?

Y/n: I was, murdered..?

J: Yes... They never caught the culprit...

[Jeongyeons Pov]

Who are these people, and why are they asking me such questions, the two girls who came with Y/n have very evil auras, they have to be some sort of evil spirits, demons or Devils.

Ever since I was a kid I've had the ability to see auras, it had helped me alot to know who to trust. When I met Y/n her aura was so happy cheerful and beautiful that I just had to become friends with her, how ever when people are about to die they're aura starts dissapearing. I saw Y/n around 40 minutes before her estimated death time, her aura looked very cheerful still, there's something fishy about it...

At this moment, I don't know how I've gotten here, I'm just telling everything I know, grandma thought me to not mess with people who have evil auras.

J: You know what guys, I'm just gonna go over there to tell Y/n some stuff...

I take her hand and drag her behind a corner.

J: Who are these people??? How did you get yourself in trouble with evil beings???

Y/n: I um

J: Y/n what's going on???

Y/n: Well I don't know who I am, I have no memories from before I arrived in hell, no one knows where I'm supposed to be.

J: Whoa... But how can I believe that is true..?

Y/n: Right, you won't, you seem like someone who would've trusted me...

J: I do I do! It's just that, there's something wrong with the peoples auras toy came with...

Y/n: Auras? You can see auras?

J: Yes, auras fade when a person is close to their death, but yours didn't fade before you allegedly died.

Y/n: Wait what

J: Yeah I met you around 40 minutes before your estimated death time, your aura should've started to fade 2 hours before you died.

Y/n: So dead people don't have auras?

J: No, that's why we don't see them, your aura dissapears permanently when your body is cremated or buried, that's when your spirit can rise to be a ghost.

Y/n: Hold on I'm confused, then why does heaven and hell exist if everyone's a ghost???

J: No no no, ah this is hard to explain, so you have to actually follow the blue light to heaven & hells inbetween.

Y/n: Wow you know a lot

J: well yeah I've done this ever since I was 3

Y/n: Then how about my aura now?

J: You still have the same aura you had when you were a human, which is weird, how did you come back and who are those people? It's time for you to answer my questions.

Y/n: Those people are Chaeyoung, the Devils daughter-


Y/n: Shh don't scream they'll think somethings wrong

J: Sorry, continue, who's the other girl?

Y/n: That's Nayeon an evil spirit, she's usually in the mirror

J: She's pretty

Y/n: Come again?

J: Nothing I um I said, uh, that's um interesting...

Y/n: Any more questions?

J: How are yall here?

Y/n: I do not know, let's go back, you can ask Chaeyoung

[Nobody's Pov]

Jeongyeon and Y/n walk back to the others.

C: What did you talk about?

Y/n: Nothing special, I think we should try to find whoever the Jokbal girl is, Momo was it?

J: Yup

C: Alright let's go, we don't have all day

To be continued...
I'm back again, I'm actually taking a writing class rn and at some point imma have to introduce this story cause I told the teacher I write on wattpad so if you're from the writing class hello :) 

Ps. Im sorry the chapters are short :/


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