The big day!!

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Mattia and Kairi ended up having there two kids. They are so cute and adorable.

Skip 2 years and now they are getting married. There kids are both 2 years old. There son is 4 hours older than his sister.

With Mattia

Today Mattia and Kairi we're going to get married. Right now Mattia is in his own room with Tony,Alejandro, and Mads (mads is the top in her relationship, an she's a cross dresser).

Tony was getting ready and so was Mattia. They had planed to have a double wedding

With Kairi

Kairi was in Mattia mom and dads room with Addison,Robert, and Alvaro.

Kairi had his makeup on and dress. The dress isn't that long. But what makes it long is the puffy part that's around it.

Robert had also got his makeup and dress on. It wasn't puffy like Kairis but it was long.

With Mattia

"Dude I'm so fucking scared" Mattia said "well your going to be fine" Mads said.

Mattia was all ready so was tony.

"Okay guys it starts in 15 minutes" Mattias dad said
"Okay. Thanks dad" Mattia reply. "Do you have your vows ready tony an Mattia" mads said "yes I do. Mattia" Tony said "yup" he said back.

15 minutes later

With Kairi

Right now Alejandro is carrying me and mattias daughter and she's throwing flowers in a cute little white an pink dress. Alvaro is holding our son and he has the rings for later.

Now my father is walking me down the aisle and I see Mattia and Tony all ready behind me is Robert and his uncle is walking him down as well. His parents ended up dying in a car crash a year ago.

I got up to Mattia an let's just say he's hot as fuck in a tux.

With Mattia

I saw my perfect bride/ soon to be husband walking down the aisle. I'm excited because mads and Addi are taking our kids later tonight. An I'm gonna fuc- okay Mattia not the time to pop a boner or anything. Not yet at least.

He was now standing in front of me and we were holding hands.

"You look absolutely gorgeous" I said he popped a little smile and blushed. "Thank you you look handsome" he said back I smirked an squeezed his hand three times it means I. Love. You.

Time skip to after Robert and Tony's vows now it's time for my vows

"Okay. Mattia now your vows please"

"I take you as you are, loving who you are now and who you are yet to become. I promise from this day forward to be grateful for our love and our life. To be generous with my time, my energy and my affection. To be patient with you and myself. These things I pledge before you, our friends and our family. I truly do love you Kairi Samual Cosentino"

A few people in the seats were tearing up. An Kairi was too.

With Kairi
Now it's my vows.

"Okay. Now it's yours Kairi"

"I love you because you are happy and adventurous and strong. I love you because you love your family and friends just as fiercely as I love mine. Also, I love your family has become mine and mine has became yours. You are my best friend and I am so happy that we're on the same team. You are the love of my life and you make me happier than I could have ever imagined and more loved than I ever thought was possible. I truly do love you to Mattia Polibio."

"Okay so now Mattia and Tony do you take Kairi and Robert to be your husband in sickness and in health."

"I do" Tony an Mattia said at the same time

"Now Kairi and Robert do you take Mattia and Tony to be your husband in sickness and in health"

"I do" they both said.

"K Alvaro now may we have the rings"

Alvaro stood up with our son an he gave Mattia and tony the rings

Time skip to the ended of the wedding.

"Okay can we just have the kids" Addison said in mattias face
"Damn yeah." He said

They left to go home with the kids

"Come on my husband. I think we should go home now" Mattia whispered in his ear "okay"

They left to go home and the rest is history. Jk they fucked.

Time skip to the morning

Mattia woke Kairi up with breakfast in bed. Than they showered now they were waiting till Addison and mads brought the kids home.

"So dada mama what did you do" our Daughter said "we had s-." Mattia said bit Kairi slapped him "we watched movies and made dinner" Kairi said.

What they look like now

32 years old looks the same

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32 years old looks the same.

33 years old

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33 years old. Also has a small beard

I'm sad to say but this book is officially

Over. I loved this book. But now go read my one shot book as well as my new one 'adopted by Mattia Polibio'

My Bully (mairi/kattia).                           [no longer on hold]Where stories live. Discover now