Chapter 2: Best Friends Reunited

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I realized that my stomach was grumbling the entire time. I decided to head back and grab some cinnamon rolls before I go. I go inside the house and I see Asriel sleeping in Mom's old chair with a book in his hands. "Aw, how cute." I whisper. I tip-toe towards the sleeping prince and grab the box of cinnamon rolls. As I do so, I hear Asriel talk in his sleep, "I-I want to see you.. again.. I m-miss you so much.." Asriel said. I giggle quietly, I take the box of cinnamon rolls and bolt. I had no idea where I was going to go with this. The only thing that was on my mind was fulfilling Asriel's wish. To see Chara again.


It's been pretty boring ever since Azzy left and turned into Flowey. Those last 10 minutes I had with him at the flower patch were the best, even though he couldn't see or feel me. Yup, I attempted hugging him, it kinda worked. I was able to feel his warmth, but he didn't feel mine. In fact he shivered a little. That must be what ghosts do to the mortals. Anyways for the past month it seems, I just have been wandering around the underground reminiscing how fun it was to help Frisk on her journey. As of right now I'm just floating around Waterfall, and.. huh? There's footprints! I follow a few of them and it led me to where the river person usually is. But for some reason they aren't here right now. Why are there footprints? Nobody has been here in ages! The only other living thing in this entire cavern is Az- ahem, Flowey. And he doesn't have feet.. If my suspicions are correct.. the footprints in waterfall seem to have come from Hotland, so they must have went to Snowdin. As I was floating above the river in waterfall, I couldn't help but notice a grey door in the middle of nowhere. I decide to ignore it even though my interest has peaked, first of all I don't remember seeing that door with Frisk. And second of all it seemed slightly open and someone exited it. Even if someone did the terrain in that specific part of Waterfall always rains so the footprints would have disappeared. I then see Snowdin's charming aura light up in the distance, great memories have taken place here, I remember Frisk's disgusted face when she ate Papyrus' spaghetti, or how we both were rolling on the ground when Sans made a pun. Now that I think about it, when Sans was talking to us in the judgement hall about Love and Exp. The entire time he was looking at ME. I don't think Frisk noticed because the pillars shadow was covering Sans' entire face. But from where I was at the time, I could see his face perfectly. It was almost as if he was telling me these because he knew that I would lead Frisk to do the right thing. In the end, they did get their happy ending after all, so I guess I did help. Thinking about that made me feel warm inside. Wait a minute. I'm a ghost, how am I able to feel? Hmm, it seems as if I can still generate determination even as a spirit. I wonder.. I focus for a second, I close my eyes then reopen them, what met my eyes was an empty heart, but with a red outline. "A soul? But how? I'm supposed to be dead!" At that moment I realized I plummeted to the ground. "Ow! Hey, what?" I feel around me, I can FEEL everything. The snow was soft, but when I tried to feel my face I phase through it. "Ugh. Guess I'm not fully corporeal then. I have to find a way to fuse with my soul, so I can become physical again." I look down and see two different pairs of footprints. One seemed to be from boots, and the others looked like paw-prints. I frown as I try to understand where these came from. Did some human accidentally bring their dog here or something? I continue to follow the footprints, they seemed to be going one hell of a long way. Where were they going? I walked for about 10 minutes, which was exhausting. Again, don't know why I'm getting exhausted all of a sudden, I also noticed that my soul was nearly whole. It was glowing a see through kind of red. I step inside the ruins and was met with the same long ass hallway from when we left Mom all those weeks ago. I go upstairs, "Wow, it's been a while!" I said beaming. "Wha? Who's there? Frisk?" said a voice I know too damn well. "No way." I said, running to the source of the voice. I bump into something my height. "Ow! Who are-" They said. It was him.. It was my old best friend. "A-A-Asriel?" I splutter. "C-C-Chara?" Asriel said with just as much splutter. We stared at each other for what felt like eternity. "NO WAY." I say clasping my hands on my mouth. My soul was 100% again, I didn't care though. I jumped at Asriel and we embrace. I could feel the tears running down, and I can hear his hiccups which indicated he was doing the same. "C-Chara I *hic*-" I laugh and get up. "Chara! Where are *hic*-" "Calm down Azzy, I'm getting you a glass of water." I say. Azzy recoiled when I said that, it was adorable! And, I'm pretty sure he blushed slightly. Anyways, I got a glass of water from the sink and gave it to him. He wiped his eyes, and drank it. When he finished we continued to hug. "Crybaby." He whispered in my ears. I pushed him off playfully. We both giggle. We both heave great sighs, "How did you come back?" We said in unison. We look at each other with blank faces. I pulled out a clenched fist, "What are you doing?" Azzy said looking at my hand in confusion. "Rock paper scissors Azzy." I said grinning, surprised he forgot what it was at first. "Rock paper sci-" I hear some cardboard object hit the floor. I look behind Azzy and see her, "Frisk!" "Chara!" We say as we run to each other, and I hug her. "Woah, it really is you!" She said hugging back. "I-Is this what you came back for?" I say looking at her deeply. "Yup! I can't leave you two down here forever!" Frisk said smiling. "B-But how did he-" "I'll explain it later, I want to know how YOU came back though." She said. "Well.. I'll explain it later." I say with a smug grin. "Touché." Frisk said. We both laugh. Asriel was staring at the ground he looked sad. "Everything alright, Asriel?" Frisk asked. "The cinnamon wolls." Asriel said pointing to the rolls on the ground. We both laugh, "We'll just get some later, there's plenty on the surface!" Frisk said as she picked up the box. I grab her arm, "Wait, you're not planning on bringing us to the surface are you?" I ask concerned. Frisk smiles at me when she notices my look of fear, and a look of worry on Asriel. "It'll be fine. Do you really think Mom and Dad wouldn't be happy to see you again?" She said. "T-That's the thing, it'll shock them a-and.." Asriel spluttered. Frisk pulled me and Azzy into a group hug. "It'll be fine guys, we'll be one big happy family!" Frisk said. I take a second to think about this, I see Frisk had a look of pure determination on her face. Which was her classic -_- face. "A-Alright Frisk, if you're so confident, I guess we can give it a shot. What do you say Azzy?" I say looking at him. His eyes glistened green, they were almost impossible to not get lost in. Asriel looked deep into my eyes, he grabbed my hand making me blush slightly. Why? I don't know.. I'm still getting used to this kind of feeling. "Only if you do." He said blushing slightly as well. "Pssh, you dork. Last one to the River person is a rotten egg!" I say as I ran down the stairs. "Hey! Wait up!" Frisk and Asriel said. We all laughed as we raced each other into Snowdin. I start huffing and puffing before I even make it to the door. I stop and grab my knees, "You alright Chara? You lookin' a little tired there buddy." Frisk said bouncing. How did she have so much energy? "No, of course not. B-But one question. How do you have so much energy?" I splutter trying to catch my breath. "You were there when I ran from Undyne right? I'm pretty much a giant ball of energy!" She said doing a prefect pirouette. Asriel was standing there looking decently tired as well. "Oh I get it, you two are getting used to your new bodies. Welp! Es not mi problemo!" Frisk said as she ran full speed into the hallway. "Damn it Frisk! Azzy we have to catch her!" As I say that Asriel picks me up and puts me on his back. I blush madly at Asriel's raw strength. Again, I don't know why! As if he just sucked up an entire ocean of red bull, we bolted out of there. "AAH! AZZY SLOW DOWN!" I say clinging to his shoulders. I see Frisk look behind us with a shocked expression, she jumps out of the way about to get ran over. Before we knew it we made it into Snowdin. I hear Asriel start to pant, I see a rock in the path. But Asriel doesn't seem to see it. "Azzy! Rock!" I yell as I point at it, but it was too late. We both go tumbling in the snow. I fell on top of Asriel, we both opened our eyes and realize our faces were inches apart. "Oh, umm hi Chara." He said with a face entirely tomato red. I feel my face burn up to what felt like a million degrees and jumped off of him. I clear my throat, "Get up you weenie." I say trying to act cool. Asriel chuckles and takes my hand. We see Frisk catch up to us, "I could've sworn I saw a rainbow trail behind you guys." She said, we all laugh and head to where the river person was waiting. They actually showed up, they looked at me. Their hood was incredibly dark, I could've sworn I saw a blue and red light in the hood. "Ah, the original human has returned. Don't worry I won't speak, where will we go today?" The River Person said casually. "Hotland." Frisk said. "Then we're off." He said. We all got on, we then feel ourselves rise. "huh?" Me and Asriel say. "Here we go." Frisk said. The boat then started running across the water at an incredible speed. "AAAAAH!" Me and Asriel said holding on to each other. Frisk just sat there laid back. We eventually made it to Hotland, "Come again Tra La La." Me and Asriel were drenched in sweat, yet we clung onto each other liked scared children. "Come on you two." Frisk said jumping out of the boat. That was when me and Asriel looked at each other awkwardly. "Oh. Haha." I said letting go of him, he did the same and we both hopped out. Before we could walk any further we hear the river person say something to us. "Watch out for the fallen angel. The one who will bring darkness upon the entire world." Said the River Person. "Wha-" I say, then I look behind me and the boat and the person was gone. "What in the blue blaz-" "Chara! C'mon just a few elevator trips!" Asriel said as he waved to me. "Alright!" I say back as I run to the two trying to shake off the creepiness that I just witnessed. "It's just a few long elevator trips." Frisk said as we all go inside an elevator. She clicks a button and we went off, we all just sit there getting comfy. I sat next to Asriel who was fiddling with his toes, we all sit there in silence. "What're you grinning at Frisk?" Asriel said as he crossed his arms. I realized Frisk was grinning as she looked at us. "Oh nothing." Frisk said as she looked to the right. I squint at her, I knew what she was thinking. She thinks I'm totally crushing on Asriel.. Pssh, that isn't true... right? "Ahem. Chara we're here." Frisk said with an even bigger grin. I notice Asriel wasn't even next to me anymore. "Of course." I say confidently walking past her and catching up to Asriel. We all walk through Mettaton resort and take some more elevator trips, we eventually make it to Dad's old castle. "Wow. It's been a while huh?" I ask Asriel. "Actually it's been a month." Frisk said. "I was talking to Asriel, Frisk." I said annoyed. "I know." She giggled. 


Man, so many great memories took place here. Now that I'm with Chara, it's kinda hard not to reminisce on everything we've been through together. All those times with her, when we used to draw on the floor in our room, played pretend. She really was the light of my- "ASRIEL!" Frisk said shaking me. "Oh! Heya Frisk!" I say casually. "What were ya thinking about?" She said grinning moving her eyes till they were facing Chara's direction, who was smelling flowers. I blush slightly, "Nothing! L-Let's go!" I say running into the house. I hear Frisk laugh and call Chara inside. We all immediately go downstairs not bothering to walk around the house. As we enter the long grey hallway leading to Dad's old throne room, Frisk stopped for a moment. "Um Chara?" Frisk asks. "Yeah?" Chara responds. "I-I think this is yours." Frisk said as she revealed a golden locket that says 'best friends forever'. I flinch as I see it. Chara approaches it slowly, "Th-thank you Frisk." Chara said taking it and putting over her neck. Chara then hugged Frisk, "Thanks for keeping it warm." Chara giggled. Frisk giggled and hugged back, "you're welcome." She said. I smile, and we all start heading back towards the surface. We pass Judgement hall and Dad's massive flower garden/throne room before we eventually reach the surface. We all stood there about to feel the warm sunshine. Frisk then ran outside and breathed in the fresh air, me and Chara stood still however. Frisk looked behind her at us, "C'mon guys! The sunshine doesn't bite!" Frisk said cheerfully. I look at Chara who looks at me at the same time, we both nod. We walk into the sunlight close to each other. We walk into the bright sunlight, it seemed to be the middle of the day. "Wow, that is bright!" I say hovering my ears over my eyes. Both Frisk and Chara laugh. "Well we better get used to it. No matter how ugh bright it is." Chara said. "Don't worry it doesn't take long." Frisk said as she lay in the grass. Me and Chara fall with her, "Wow, I forgot how fresh the air is out here." Chara said. "Yeah it's- huh?" We all hear vibrating. Frisk pulls out her phone, "Oh no. It's Mom, she called me 1, 2, oh dear god." "How many times did she call you?" I ask. "It says here 45 times." She said showing all the notifications. "ooh. What are you going to do now?" Chara said. "Well, I'm probably going to lose outside privileges. But, I know how I can un-revoke it!" She said standing up. "And how is that?" Chara asks. "By letting Christmas come early!" She said smiling. "Oh, right. Mom is HER mom too." Chara said. "Guess that means we're siblings then." I say sitting up. "Guess so." Frisk said grinning, she then helped me stand up. I bring out my hand for Chara to take, I couldn't help but notice her look of sadness. What was she sad about? All we said is that we were going to be siblings. She then took it and we started heading down the mountain. We were slowly met with the warmth of Frisk's neighborhood. There was a large door that had the words 'Monster Meadows'. We all head in we see a bunch of monsters wave at Frisk, and give us confused looks. It got more and more uncomfortable as time went on, "Yo! Frisk!" said a dinosaur running in our direction. "Undyne's been looking all over the neighborhood for you! Hey, who are you guys? I'm Monster Kid!" He said bowing. "Asriel." "Chara." We said. "Heh, nice to meet you guys! For some reason I feel like I've heard those names before. Anyways, if you guys want to come over and watch Die Hard you all are welcome to join!" Monster Kid said happily. "Ooh. I love those movies, you can count on me being there." Chara said. "Alright!" Monster Kid said happily. "HEY! PUNKS!" Said a deep feminine voice. Undyne ran towards us and halted right before Frisk. "Frisk! Jesus, your Mom filled in like 25 police reports! Where in God's name were-" She looked at Me. "Oh right. Welcome back Asriel!" She said patting my head. "How did you-" "Alphys told me, don't worry only me and her know." She said winking. She looked at Chara, "Jesus Frisk, you're a monster! N-not really, but STILL. You brought um, I forgot your name but you're that one kid that.." "Yeah, and it's Chara." She said. "Oh. Sorry, never paid much attention in school. Anyways, Frisk don't do something that reckless again, unless you could.." She trailed off. "I mean, just don't get into trouble again alright?" She said beaming. "S-Sure Undyne." Frisk said. "Alright. Hey, Monster Kid you didn't hear anything." Undyne said as she shoved a donut in Monster Kid's mouth. "Mm! Chocolate!" Monster Kid said as he walked away. "Anyways, I'll tell the force to stop looking for ya." Undyne then nodded at us then whistled away spinning her baton. "Welp, my house is over here, follow moi." Frisk said. We start walking down a few blocks, then we stumble upon two houses. One was covered in snow, and the other was a nice two floor house. Upon stumbling these two houses, we meet up with- "Heya. Look who's come back from the dead." Sans said. "H-Hi Sans." I say awkwardly. I hope he forgot about me killing everyone at one point. "What a Sansation." Chara said. Sans chuckled. "Nice. I can tell you have quite the Character." "Stop with the puns or else I'm going to have a bone to pick with you."  Frisk said. We all laugh as Chara and Sans have a pun off. "Say, I'm running out of ideas for puns. You got me bone tired." Sans said. "Yeah, you're the real-" "M-My children?" said a unmistaken voice. 

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