what happens when harry potter goes thru his inheritance and finds he is an Animagus. As well as that, how does he fare when he finds out that James and lily didn't even exist. friends turn into enemies and enemies turn into friends. and worst of al...
"please prick your finger and let five drops of blood fall onto this stone slab." the goblin said in a flat voice. harry picked up a silver dagger that appeared out of nowhere and pricked his finger. he then let 5 drops of blood fall onto the parchment where words spread across the page. Ragnook ( for that was what his name was ) gasped when he read the words that spread across the page. he then gave the paper to harry and this is what he read:
father: Tom Marvollo Riddle a.k.a Voldemort a.k.a lucifer ( Hiding)
name: Ash Marvollo Lestrange
mate (s) : N/A
inheritance : vampire, werecat, flame wolf, lightning skrill, air eagle, water dragon, prince of hell.
powers: lightning, water, air, death, fire, occumencaly (sorry if i got that spelling wrong), superhuman strength, super speed, ability to raise the dead, demon summoning
power level: 550 (higher than merlin)
Animagus (s) : hell hound, skrill, flame wolf, air eagle, water dragon, prince of hell black wolf, black cat
100,000 sickles put back every month ( Hermione granger)
block, spells and potions:
love potion keyed to Ginny Weasley, hate potion keyed to Snape Voldemort Slytherin Malfoys Bellatrix Lestrange, trust potion keyed to Dumbledore Weasleys all Gryffindor's , glamor
harry stared in disbelief at the parchment in front of him. Ron, his motherly figure and (worst of all) the person he trusted the most, Dumbelfuck was gonna pay. "thank you for this this information." said harry insanely (he inherited his mothers insanity) " could you get anyone who has took money from my account put it back with there own money, oh and leave Hermione out of it. she never kept the money. also, how do i change back and can u get the blocks of me?" "yes master riddle." replied the goblin before leading him to a room. the pain was excruciating.
hello mah friends! hope u liked the chapter and these are his animagus forms (i couldent find one of his inheritance form)
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