"Do You Say That A Lot?"

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When Louis enters the common room or "hangout room", he sees that it looks almost exactly the same as the rest of the building. The same white walls and beige tiles. Even the same flower pictures as the cafeteria, Except this room had a white couch on one side of the room in front of the Telly, a white couch in front of one of the windows looking out onto the garden, a white table in the middle of the room with 4 chairs, a white table in the corner with 4 chairs, a rocking chair in the corner, a bookshelf with some books, some coloring books and some plants around the room with a large, grey rug in the middle of the room.

Harry led Louis over to the corner table where Liam, Niall and Zayn were sitting playing a card game.

"What game are you all playing?" Harry asked while examining the table, trying to figure it out.

Liam looked up. "Go Fish." He said in a bored tone. "You know that is Niall's favorite." He rolled his eyes.

"You lads are just upset because I am winning." Niall said fixing his pairs on table. "Zayn, do you have any 8's?"

"Nope. Go fish."

"Dammit." Niall drew a card from the middle pile.

Harry giggled. "Well, maybe Louis and I could possibly play the next game?"

"Sure." Niall answered.

"Louis," Harry looked around the room. "Do you want to maybe take a stroll in the garden?"

Louis was standing there with his right arm across his upper stomach, holding on to his left arm. "Sure, I guess."

"Stay here." Harry walked out of the room. Louis walked over to one of the chairs near a window and sat down with looking out the window. Wishing he was like the birds, carefree and well, free. Free to go wherever they please. He feels a little dramatic thinking that because he has only been here for a few hours but it was more than that. They didn't have the emotional toll that Louis has been dealing with. The reason his drinking started to spiral out of control.

"Lou!" Harry slightly yelled from across the room as he was walking towards him. "Is it okay if I call you Lou."

Louis nodded yes.

"Come on! I asked one of the employees for permission to go out into the garden." 

Louis and Harry walked out of the two sliding glass doors leading to the garden. The garden was surrounded by a brick wall about 7 feet high. There were some marble paths that split off to different parts of the garden. One lead to an Oak tree with a bench underneath. One lead to a fountain and a bench. There were all kinds of flowers and bushes around. There was even enough grass for activities. Louis sighed and wished that he could have brought his football. Football was his thing. He played it in school growing up. Even playing well enough to play for the Doncaster Rovers. His favorite football team. That is until he got too thin and weak to play for long amounts of time. And his overdrinking didn't help either.

"It's beautiful out here." Louis looked around at the birds bathing in the birdbaths.

"Yeah, it kinda is. It's nice to get out of there and get some fresh air and sunshine while it lasts." Harry chuckled. 

Harry lead Louis over to one of the benches by the bird baths. "So, Lou...tell me more about yourself? What do you like to do for fun?"

"Well, uh, I like to play football. I would play it everyday for hours."

"That's neat. So you must be really good. I suck at football. I even did a football. Sucked back then, too." Harry laughed.

Louis smiled a bit. "I'm sure you just need to practice. I sucked majorly too when I first started. But I loved it so much I stuck with it. Even if people tell me I am too small to go pro."

"Well screw them!" Harry scoffed. "It should be based on talent. Not on size. Size doesn't matter."

Louis smirked. 

"Do you say that a lot, Harry?"

"Wha-ohhhhh." Harry shooked his head. "haha."

"You kinda tattled on yourself there, Harold." 

Harry smiled. "I assure you. I am NOT small."

"Eh, I don't know. You are awfully defensive about this." 

"I promise you, I am not small!" Harry pleaded.

"Alright, I will be looking forward to you keeping your promise." Louis gasped and covered his mouth with his hands. 


He did not mean to say that out loud to Harry. He wanted to run and hide but felt like that would make it more awkward.

Harry has been laughing. "Lou, I look forward to me keeping my promise to you." 

Harry could feel himself getting hard inside of his pants. He wanted to keep his promise right-there-and-then. But he knew he couldn't. One, it was too public. Two, He was supposed to be working on his addiction.

Louis' eyes widened. Was Harry just as interested in him and he was Harry? He thought to himself. 

"How about we go check and see if the boys are ready for us to play hat game with them." Harry said as he swiftly walked past Louis, while keeping his hands in front of his bulge. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2021 ⏰

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