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Sometimes, Namjoon would go to the library to get some alone time, even though he had a whole apartment to himself. Occasionally, he loved the comfort of his own home and its surroundings, but working in the same area can also mean boredom and distraction. The library nearest to the university was beautiful not only because of its natural lighting and simple aesthetics, but also because of the absence of snot-nosed toddlers. In all honesty, the only kids Namjoon liked were his possible future ones.


Today, Namjoon walked into the library with his workbag hanging off his shoulder and two steaming coffees in his hands. With thoughtful eyes, he scouted an empty table by a huge window, soaking the wooden surface with warm, soft sunshine. After bowing to the librarian behind the desk as a greeting, he sat down at the table and placed his workbag on top of the other chair.

If only it was one of those days when he could walk over to the bookshelves, pick out a nice dystopian novel like 1Q84 and settle down for a few hours. But no, not today. Today the extra coffee cup he bought this afternoon was for someone he hasn't seen in a long, long time. Namjoon had gotten the person an iced americano, not knowing what his coffee preference was, but then again...he didn't really care. He should be a bit more professional, though.

"Come on. You're a math professor with a bomb-ass degree. You're better than this." Namjoon thought aloud. For a split second, he glanced at the person who was sitting a few feet away at her own table. He hoped she didn't think he was weird for talking to himself.

To ease the tension, Namjoon picked up his own coffee and took a sip. At once, the warm, sweet liquid coated his tongue and leveled up Namjoon's blood sugar. It did little to energize him, but even though...at least it wasn't as bitter of a coffee as Hoseok's.

Speak of the devil.

As Namjoon put down his caffe mocha, he noticed someone walking up to his table. The man was wearing an oversized blue and white button-up, baggy gray sweatpants that had puzzling blue spots on them, and a thick stussy headband over his brown hair...like he had just exited an airplane. Aside from his exceptionally confident outfit, the man had a see-through, plastic-like tote bag on his right shoulder. This dude must really be confident enough to show all his personal belongings, Namjoon thought to himself. Let's just hope he's not carrying anything that could be stolen.

Hoseok seemed like a really artistic and carefree person, because of his clothes.

Namjoon was wearing a suit.

"Hello, Joon-ssi," Hoseok said, bowing lightly. Namjoon did the same. "Thank you for...making the time."

To anyone else in the library, Namjoon and Hoseok probably looked like two friends meeting to catch up about life. They probably seemed like people who got along, people who were enjoying a nice, sunny day in the city. But in reality, whoever saw them that way couldn't be more wrong.

Namjoon could feel the tension hovering between him and Hoseok's bodies, as if he didn't just drink his sweet, delectable coffee a few seconds ago. Sugar obviously wouldn't be able to help him this time. Not when he's face-to-face with the guy who's lucky enough to know what it felt like to kiss Yoongi. Namjoon shifted in his seat, glancing up at Hoseok and gesturing for him to sit down opposite him. Hoseok nodded and sat down, mumbling a thank you for the iced americano. Deep down, Namjoon hoped the coffee was as bitter as hell.

"How has your day been going so far?" he asked blankly, raising his own cup to his lips but letting it hover in midair.

"Pretty well," Hoseok commented. "How 'bout you?"

"Good." Namjoon put his coffee down after finally taking a sip.

An awkward silence followed, but Namjoon knew he had to make it stop. He was the leader here...Beomgyu wished for him to help out his cousin because Hoseok wanted to accomplish goals, so Namjoon would have to live up to Beomgyu's standards. As a professor, his priority should always be his students' happiness and contentment. No awkward silences allowed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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