I'll protect you (Part 1)

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Art: VSasha (linked in book description)
Prompt: there's a role-play on the discord that I was involved in and I want to publish it in story form - less crack then the role-play however so if you're more interested in that I encourage to read the discord!
Next update: Possibly Sunday!
This'll be multiple parts with possible unrelated oneshots in between.
Techno was played by @briannacreates
Grian was played by @GrungyLeBagguette
With Dream being played by me
So I can't take full credit for this plot and their character's dialogue + choices, be sure to tag them in the comments if you're complementing one of their character's scenes or lines of dialogue!
(Possible separate oneshot for the inbetween adventures of the cats and the God of Hermitcraft)



Location - Hub server, Greamno house

Grian groaned waking up with the sun, his surroundings appear different then what he remembered falling asleep to. "Huh?" He whispered, looking around himself trying to piece together where he ended up during his sleep. Noting the oak frame to his right, Grian sat up to reveal his boyfriend Dream, sleeping soundly in the bed, despite the fact that their over boyfriend techno, was also absent from the bed. Grian chuckled quietly to himself. Him and Techno had a habit of rolling off the bed in the middle of the night, Dream always made fun of them for it in the morning.

Lifting himself up, Grian walked around the king sized bed so he could pull techno back atop the mattress, before once again going under the covers, cuddling close into techno's side.


Grian starts to mutter in his sleep, Galactic? Techno thought to himself, waking up to the sounds of his boyfriend's whimpering. Techno sits up slowly, leaning over to shake Grian awake before his muttering gets any louder, before he has a chance to, however, Grian's breaths become shallower and quicker, the time frame between each breath decreasing as the nightmare continued, as Grian began hyperventilating, Techno sprang into action, "Grian?" He called, gently shaking his arm.

Grian doesn't respond, his muttering continuing, so much so that Techno could begin to decipher the words that were repeated,

Techno becomes frantic, leaning over Grian and lifting him onto his lap, their bodies resting against each other, "Grian, you're having a nightmare.. can you hear me?" There continues to be no response from Grian other than his continued sobbing and muttering. Dream begins to shuffle on the bed, unconsciously moving closer to Grian and Techno. As an attempt to stop the whimpering once and for all, Techno reaches out to pet and stroke Grian's ears, this in turn causing Grian's breathing to calm down,

"It's alright G.... whoever tried to hurt you will be punished soon enough" Techno soothed, continuing his soft Pets to his boyfriend's ears. The soft muttering wakes Dream up, his eyes adjusting to the dark as he takes in the state of his bedmates. " what's going on." He mumbles groggily, "Are you both alright?"

Hearing his other boyfriend's voice, Grian stirs into wakefulness, sitting up straight as he scrunches the duvet between his hands, continuously letting go in an attempt to to stop the tears streaming from his eyes. "G?" Dream questioned, moving closer to the smaller's side, reaching down to stroke a hand down the side of Grian's cheek, catching a stray tear. "I think G had a nightmare..., he was muttering about a Sam and a Taurtis" Techno whispered, wrapping his arms around his smallest boyfriend's body, "It was from my high school years" Grian reluctantly muttered, leaning further into Techno's hug.

Techno and Dream simultaneously feel their blood begin to boil, "Is there anyone we need to kill" Techno gritted out, protectively strengthening his grip around Grian. " No" Grian responded, slightly pulling away from Techno's vice grip, only for his chin to be directed upwards so his gaze met Dream's "Just give me their names, all of them" Dream whispered, "anyone who's ever hurt you, just their names"

Grian pulled away, he was reluctant to speakof his past, they had been the dark days of his life, he didn't want to think about them, not now, not ever. "G... please just tell us where they are" Techno pleaded, I call unaliving Taurtis, he didn't say. "G. We can protect you now, there's no need to be afraid." Dream comforted moving closer to Grian once again.

"No" Grian started, "You don't have to, it was Sam who was the problem"
"I vote we tag team him, what do you think Dream?" Techno asked, his manic grin rising to the surface, Dream and Grian both chuckled, their boyfriend wasn't nicknamed the blood god for nothing after all. After the chuckled died down, Dream looked towards Grian seriously, "I hope you know that, We're here for you... always" , Grian sighs, nodding as he begins to lower himself back down onto the bed, his tears coming to a slow stop.

"I'll sharpen the swords tomorrow" Dream whispered, Techno nodded, "I'll find out where he lives" he agreed. Grian sighed deeply, "don't bother, he lives in a mental asylum, he got sent there after the..incident" he mumbled dejectedly. Did you know Mental Asylums have surprisingly low security, Dream thought to himself. "I want to" Techno began, facing Grian, "Whoever hurt you deserves to die".
Grian sighs, "I'm not sure if he's dead or not though, it's been so long and ... I'll explain more tomorrow" Grian said, turning over onto his side .

Over their resting boyfriend's body, two warriors make eye contact, a glint of determination settling within both.

The hunt has begun

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