Lunch With A Rose

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Ruby's POV

I was hanging out in the library with my friends.

I was playing Remnant: The Game with Weiss, Blake, and Yang.

Normally I'd be way more into a game of Remnant, but I was so preoccupied with (Y/N) that I didn't get very into it.

I sat at the table, my head resting in my hand, my elbow resting on the table. Using my free hand, I held up a trap card.

"Trap card," I mumbled.

"Oh no..." Yang growled.

"Yaaaay..." I grumbled.

"Okay," Weiss said. "What is wrong?"

I looked up at her.

"Nothing," I mumbled.

"You're not nearly as invested in the game as usual," she said.

"I'm totally invested," I mumbled. "Look."

I pulled out a giant Nevermore card.

"Giant Nevermoooore..." I dropped my head on the table. "Okay, you got me."

"Did something happen?" Blake asked.

"Is it about (Y/N)?" Yang asked, with another evil grin on her face.

I sat up. "It's just... he's isolating himself... he thinks he's not worth anybody's time... he even would rather Connor hung out with us than him."

"Okay, that's weird," Weiss said. "(Y/N)'s never cared that much for Connor."

"I just... I just wish I could show him how much people care about him now," I continued. "I want to spend some time with him."

"Awww," Yang said. "That's so cuuuuute!"

"YANG!!!" I yelled.

"If you want to show him how much you care for him, what are you waiting for?" Blake said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"If you want to help him, just do it," she said. "If you think he needs help, help him."

"But... he doesn't want my help..."

"But he needs it. Right?"

I nodded.

"Then help him."

I thought for a moment.

'I guess I should probably help him. He definitely needs it. He doesn't deserve to be so unhappy with himself.'

"Yeah... yeah okay," I said. "I gotta go."

I got up and walked out of the library.

"Go get him, Ruby!" Yang yelled.

I groaned.

(Y/N)'s POV

Connor carefully pulled the arc reactor out of my chest.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, (Y/N)," he said, "but why exactly are we replacing your arc reactor?"

"I'd just like a more reliable one," I said.

I'd been working all night to create a new arc reactor for myself.

All I could think about for the future of (L/N) Industries was something with the arc reactor. So, I'd spent the night creating a new, more powerful arc reactor for myself.

Now, Connor was putting it in.

He plugged the new arc reactor in, and screwed it into my chest.

The Invincible Iron Man (Male! Iron Man! Reader x Ruby Rose)Where stories live. Discover now