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I don't know whats going on, anxiety its all over me, my head can't rest, i'm suffocating on my own head, the world keep turning on but my life just pass in front of me with no explanation, i'm alive but no living, it's so fucking sad to live with no feelings, i'm drowning and no one can save me, my head fight against myself and i can't see no more, i just want this to end, i want to be myself again even if i don't know who i am.

This is killing me slowly, i miss the world by my old eyes, i miss my old perception of the world, now all is darkenss and i don't know how to follow another day like this, i want the pain to dissapear, i have no direction but i've got chains all over me in this place that don't let me breath or move, i miss my loneliness, i miss my smile, i miss al that once i was, i can't sleep no more, i miss myself, i need no breath, i need my freedom, how can i dissapear, i want to back on time and safe myself, now i know that i can save but this other part don't let me, this other part pull me closer to my limit, maybe i need to fall a little bit longer, i hope not no die and my parachutte resist the falling and my legs the impact.

I must take away this weith on me,  your foot on my chest pressing me, taking the air in my lungs and the calm on my head, i need to close my eyes, i need a fresh start, i want this out of my life, i have to go, i can't be here no more.

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