kun: He was walking by in the hallway and heard u singing in the shower. He knocks on the door to make sure your brain is stable but no you start screaming cuz it scared u " AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" " babe its me.. u sound like angles~! "u fall and bust ur butt. he walks off to his room. Then u stayed in there all night cuz u emberessed.
ten: he hears the song and realizes your singing up&down. he runs in and opens the curtin cuz he stupid af. yall: 위 아래 위 위 아래 위 아래 위 위 아래!
you start screaming and he starts screaming cuz he smell fruit. he runs out and shuts the door while still screaming
winwin:he hears it and walks away
lucas: posts it on all social medias.
gets attacked by u after.
starts laughing quietly. * loud bang. " AND IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!! " he sees yangyang by him looking scared 3..2..1 they laugh there butts off
he was about to open the door cuz he was gonna take a shower then he heard you sscreaming lyrics to Love talk.
" oh god... "Yangyang: He was waddling around to find you then he gave up cuz he couldn't. A few minutes later he heard you singing 2ya2yao by super junoir. He waddles to the door and knocks. " WHAT DO U POSIBLY WANT!!!!!! ". he sits there for a sec. " can i join? ". " m'kay "
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------yes that was weird. LOL