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~Ben Bruce Imagine~

You have just gotten off stage when Ben Bruce runs up to you. "Great set Y/N." He says with a smile. "Thanks Ben." You blush. "Wanna get a bite with me?" Ben asks. "Sure." You smile. You and Ben leave for pizza.
<A Few Days Later>
You are hanging out on Asking's bus with Ben and James. "What's with Asking's guys getting with Y/B/N (your band name) girls?" James asks randomly. "Huh?" You say confused. "Danny and Y/BM/N, (your band member's name) Ben and you." James says. "We are just friends." Ben says hiding the pain from saying that. "Yeah. Just. Friends." You say hiding the hurt also. "Dudes, you two should just get together. I can see the pain and hurt in your eyes." James says leaving. "Will you? Will you be my girlfriend?" Ben asks looking at you. "Just if you hurt me, I'll hurt you twice as bad." You say semi scared. "I won't Y/N, I've grown up." Ben says seriously. "Then yes." You smile.
<2 Months Later>
You were warming up for your set when you suddenly got sick. Running for the nearest trash can you puke. Ben is doing an interview with Danny so he couldn't be there to help you or watch your set like always. You finish puking and run onstage after rinsing your mouth out. You do the set. "You guys where fucking great today!" You say starting to feel sick again. Running off stage and back to the trash can to puke. Again. This time Ben comes running up to help you. "Babe, what's wrong?" He asks holding your hair back. "I think is was that food you had me try last night." You say lying knowing what the real reason was. "Well will you be okay?" Ben asked concerned. "Yeah. I'm just gonna go to my van and lay down." You say rinsing your mouth out. "I'll come check on you after my set. If you want you can lay down in my bunk. It's comfier than your van." He says. "I might. I'll text you letting you know. Have a great set." You say walking off. As Ben runs on stage you change directions and go to the nearest store. At the store you get a pregnancy test and take it there at the store so no one would know.
<5 Minutes Later>
The test confirms your thoughts and all you can do is cry and think about how everything is over. Your music career, yours and Ben relationship. Everything. Once you stop crying you clean your face and head to Ben's bus knowing he's still onstage. Once there you find a pen and paper to leave him a note. Which says: Ben, I am so sorry for doing this. But, I'm leaving. Don't call me or try to find me. I love you. I'm so sorry. Love, Y/N. After laying the note in his bunk you run to your band's van and start packing, luckily it was the last show of the tour. So you were going home anyways.
<3 And A Half Years Later>
You walk into your 2 bedroom apartment and set your keys down. You look up to see your 3 year old son running up to you. "Mommy!!" He says as you bend down you pick him up. "Hey baby boy." You smile hugging him. "Let's go get you changed and get food?" You say carrying him to get changed. After paying the babysitter, you take your son out to McDonalds for a happy meal. Sitting down at a table setting your son up with his chicken nuggets you hear a very familiar British accent behind you. You look and yep. Ben Fucking Bruce, your ex-bf and father of your son, sitting behind you hanging up his phone. "Benny Boy?" You question saying your old pet name for him. "Y/N?" He asks turning around facing you confused. You were the only one that ever called him that. "Oh My God!" You semi freak out. "Mommy who are you talking to?" Your son asks standing up in his seat to see. "Y/N! You have a son now?" Ben asks shocked and confuse. "Yes, this is my son Drake." You smile messing with your son's hair. "Wow, he looks just like you." Ben says with a smile. "Thanks, but he looks more like his father." You say starting to feel awkward. "Anyways, how have you been?" Ben asks joining you at your table. "Good, quit my band to raise Drake." You answer helping your son with his ketchup. "Mommy can we go play at the park?" Your son asks. "Sure, you've been good this week. Ben would you care to join us, so we can catch up?" You ask. "Sure." Ben says with a smile.
<At The Park>
Your son is playing on the swings while you and Ben are sitting on a bench talking. "Ben, I have something to tell you." You say deciding on telling him that Drake is his son. "Okay, but I need to ask you something first." He says. "What's that?" You ask. "Just why? Why did you leave me? I mean that day. When I found the note I freaked thinking I hurt you. What happened?" He asks confused and hurt. Which killed your heart. "That's what I wanted to tell you. I left because I knew you weren't ready and I left to have and raise my son." You say answering his questions in a weird way. "Huh? You cheated on me and got pregnant?" He asks hurt and upset. "No! I did not and would not ever cheat on you Ben. I loved you!" You say. "Still do." You mumble. "So how old is Drake? And who is his father then?" He asks more calmly. "He's 3." You answer. "And you are." You say looking down. "Wait what? I'm his? That's why you left me?" He asks confused. "Yes and yes. I knew you weren't ready to have a kid. So I left. To make your life easier." You say on the verge of tears. "Why? Why didn't you tell me I had a son?" He asks in a whisper. You just shrug. "Does he know?" He asks meaning if your son knew who his father was. "No." You say as tears start to fall. "Please don't cry Y/N. I still love you. Never stopped." He says and kisses you. "Can I start to be a father to my son? So we can be the family we were suppose to be 3 years ago?" He asks. "You? You want to be a family?" You ask shocked. "Yes. Be mine again? Please?" He asks begging almost. All you can do is nod while crying happily. "Can we tell him?" He asks. "Yeah. Drake Paul Bruce!" You call your son to come here. "Paul Bruce?" Ben questions with a smile. "Your son, your last name. Plus Paul fits" You say and smile as your son runs up. "Drake, I want you to meet someone." You say to your son. "Who mommy?" He asks. "Your father." You smile and point to Ben. "So you are my daddy?" Your son asks Ben. "Yes. I am." Ben says with a big smile. "So you are the guitar god that mommy loves! That's what she says when I ask where you are." Your son says giggling. "That's me." Ben says proudly and winks at you making you blush. "And! We are going to be a real family Drake." You say hugging your son. "Yay!" Your son cheers and hugs both you and Ben at the same time.
<2 Year Later>
You and Ben got married after having a daughter named Lily Rae Bruce. You lived happily and on tour with Ben, Uncle Danny, and Uncle James.

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