Part one, Love

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Redwing laughed softly as she looked over at her mate, Peppertail. "its our last time outside the  clan as warriors pep" hummed Redwing as she and Peppertail walked over to the abandoned twolegs nest. It had always been dubbed RedPep by the two to avoid suspicion even though it most likely dragged even more suspicion over to the two. "Yeah..It's kinda hard to belive that were that old eh?" Asked Peppertail as he moved closer to the other.  Redwing nodded in agreement as they both arrived at the old nest, nothing seemed to change, The entrance was open as always and animals seemed to avoid it as usual so there seemed to be nothing to worry about.  Peppertail slipped into the entrance quietly and looked around. "Hey! pep do you think this old thing still works?" Asked Redwing as she looked at a weird box with lines. Pepertail had always dubbed it to be the, "Dance Box" As whatever came out of it had always made the two want to dance with eachother till the end of time. "I dont think so" Hummed Peppertail as he walked over to Redwing. Redwing shrugged softly as he placed his paw on the top of the box, feeling the weird things on the top sink down into the box like they always have. He stepped back as a dancing lullabay began to play and looked over at Redwing before walkeing up to her and swaying from side to side, while mimicking the lullabay quietly.  The dancing lulaby began to fade out along with Redwing, leaving Peppertail in his den..alone and cold. It was just a dream as every action he will have with Redwing be from now on. Peppertail curled up in his mates nest as he stared out at the rising sun feeling more lonely then he had before he had met Redwing.

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