𝟎𝟏|𝐙𝐞𝐫𝐚'𝐬 𝐎𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧|

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⚠️ Warning: This chapter includes some scenes that the reader will find uncomfortable, which will include of the following; brutality, violence, and gore. You have been warned, Read at your own risk. Enjoy!


"R. . R-. ." The voice of a pale frail little girl cried, those once colored eyes slowly had become dull. "No. . . N-No! . . . You can't!" The little girl ran towards the lifeless body, shaking it violently.

Y̵͈̲̳͇͛̇͊͑̽̀͂̎͝o̵̖̙̻͓̜͇͙̩̣̍̾ū̴̻͔̤̟͈͎̭̱̱̓͊͌̈̅̚ ̵̼̜͇̟̣͎̀̅̕k̵̳̍͊͛͂̔͑͝͝į̷̠̱͎͎̼̯̰́͆̅ͅḻ̶̡͔̈ļ̸̡̢̜̬͕̗͉̱̎͊̕̚ͅę̸̯̮͔̼̘͇̪̇d̵̢̛̼͖̺͍̭̬̜͗̈́͆̅͘ ̶͚̳̾̀̽͝ḩ̶̛̛͍͖́̓̋̓i̴̧̧̺͉̥̰͉̜͒́̈́̍m̷͙̟̭͚̮͓͔̰͚̩͋͗̋̿̀̏̑̆̔́

"No. . ."

Ȋ̶̧̼̬̣͓̒͛̈̆̑̊̅͜͝ţ̴̎̔̎͑̆̽ṡ̷͚̄̈̽̀̊̐̕͝ ̸̪̬͓̖̋̑y̶͚͙͑̈́́͝ơ̶̢̹̙͔͎̈́̓̄̓̀͌̂̇͠ų̴̦̱̘͚̯̖̌̽̒̽̾̈́ͅͅŗ̵͙̩͖͔̼̼͉̣̙̋̌̀̌̚͝͝ ̷̦͔͖͚̲̟̎͋̈́̈́̋͂̆͠͝f̶̡̭̟͔̯̒̍̆̆̋͝a̵̲̱͛ū̷͖͙͈͐̒̔̋̋́l̸͉̍͒́̊͗̋͊̈́t̵͕̂̋ ̸̛̮̈̏̀̔̎̈̕͝͝:̷̢͚̮̤̲̉)̶̰̘̺̭̘͕̙͈̼͑

"NO!" She screamed covering her ears, she took 3 steps back, eyes widening as she stood on top of the pile of blood. The bodies lied on the ground ripped apart piece by piece, this was not the doing of a human being.

"Wake up. . . Please. " The girl cried as she was at least 5 steps away from the other dead bodies on the floor, tripping on a leg and falling face forward towards a puddle of blood.

The blood soaked on to her shattered clothes, crusty hair and frail form, the girl slowly began to lose consciousness and drowned into the abyss of darkness.


1 Hour Earlier

"You ready lil' monster!" The browned-haired man sadistically clanged on the chain that held the little girl and she didn't respond.

The little girl had many scars around her body, she had a specific scar on her right arm and neck. She wore bandages around her torso and arms not to mention she wore some yellow colored shorts that faded color. So it was now a sand color.

Having not received a response, the man grew angry, therefore responding harshly as he tugged on to the chain that was around her neck, making her choke.

"Answer me, runt." He grunted as he held the girl closely towards him, roughly squishing her cheeks. He smirked at her frail form, whispering in her ear sadistically, " Awe~ C'mon Zera! You already know the process, you answer and there's no punishment. . . Don't answer and. . ." His face turned twisted, " Ah. . .  Punishment towards you and you're little friend~ !"

The little girl known as Zera, flinched after hearing Rikilo had yet again threatened her friend knowing she would do anything to protect him.

Now glaring daggers at the man, to which he found amusing, he reached down towards his waist, reaching his favorite whip that he would always torcher Zera with and whiped her once again.

𝐌𝐲 𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲 𝐀𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐚? |+𝐎𝐂|Where stories live. Discover now