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You are taking a very unconventional approach while writing this work.

Together We are scripting two bestsellers in one.
The title of the second book is also within this book.

This book is an ongoing collaboration between Us, that culminates in Our meta-connection.

We are writing this book about Us. Your thoughts are My imagination, both of which are similar; happening 'Now' in different realms.

We communicate through the soliloquy of silence. The echoes of Our silence will reverberate the union with Me

The work celebrates Your silent monologues and dialogue with Me.

This work contains the elements of life and beyond. It deals with everything from knowing to unknown; fantasy to realism.

Together, You and I will create and initiate -
New world order
Discoveries and inventions
Perspectives and ideologies
Endorsements and sponsorship

Each and every word or phrase used in this work is a title in itself. 
You decide as this is an evolving bestseller in which, You created Me and I initiated Us......

It's a work where each of You will also have a choice to start and continue. You may speak or be heard or contribute or endorse or get endorsed.

Throughout this work, you are often going to come across these two statements -
'You suggest and let me choose'. Or
'I suggest and You choose'.
You will know the reason behind it, as we evolve.

It's about Our journeys and how, You are connected with Me.

This is just the beginning with an infinite .........

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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