Chapter 12

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The next morning went as usual, I woke up extra early to shower and prepare the paper that was due.
when Alison and I got to campus we were informed by a guy in one of my classes called nial that there is a party at his frat house on Friday night, I wasn't too sure if I wanted to attend another party but Alison seemed keen to go, she even insisted that we go buy some outfits for the party after school.

As Alison and I make our way to class we realise that we are 5 minutes late since Alison took her time in the bathrooms fixing her hair.
"Alison run, were so late!" I say puffed out from running
"I can't run in these shoes" Alison says a distance away from me
As I turn around again to run I crash into someone and fall back dropping all my books scattering them all around me.
"Woah, uh sorry , someone's in a rush" Dylan says chuckling and pulling out his hand to help me up.

Ugh I bumped into Dylan

"Uh yea sorry about that" I say looking at all my books scattered on the floor, I then look up and see Alison trying to run towards me with her heels clacking against the floor.

So now she can run

"Oh em gee jules are you okay" Alison says looking down at me with concern on her face
"Hey Dylan" she suddenly pops her head up fixing her hair
Once Alison and Dylan are having a little conversation I kneel down and start Picking up my books from the floor.
"Okay Alison we gotta go now" I say grabbing her arm and pulling her away from Dylan
"Okay bye Dylan I'll see you soon" Alison says still looking back at him
"Yea see you , oh and sorry about bumping into you and uh stuff Juliet"
"It's okay" I say looking back and giving him a slight nod
I start to speed walk to get to class and Alison is still taking about Dylan
"Dylan is so hot" Alison says whilst trying to keep up with me
"Yea yea okay, now walk faster"
Once we finally get to literature I burst open the door puffed out and Alison joins me shortly standing at the door way.
"Girls, your late" the professor tells us "please take a seat"
I give a apologetic look to the professor and walk to my seat with Alison
On cue harry is already sitting down on the table to my right with a pen in his mouth, he looks so concentrated, so smart, so handsome?
I snap my self out of my own thoughts and take my seat.
Harry head snaps towards me once he notices me and he straight away gives me his famous little smirk.

"Why were you late Julie" he asks trying to joke around
"Blame it on this one" I say pointing to Alison

"Hey!, I was having a bad hair day, okay" Alison defends her self making me and Harry giggle.

Towards the end of class everyone hands in there papers and we stand up to leave.
As I gather up my books and papers Harry stands beside me leaning on the chair.
"So do you have plans after school?" Harry blurts out
"Umm actually Alison and I planned to-"
He interrupts me by saying "Okay sweet I'm coming"
"B-but we're going shopping"
"I'll drive, meet me in the carpark at the end of the day"
Before I even get a chance to talk he walks off.

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