Chapter 3

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A/N: In all regards to a "ray" in this chapter, envision the shrink ray from despicable me. Just smaller and beaten down. P.S. Id love any feedback on how I could I prove my writing. Now enjoy the show!

It was a rather cool August day, grey clouds covered the sky but there was no sign of rain. A cool breeze ruffled leaves at the town border. Ford pulled over their rusty old car near a sign.

Welcome to Gravity Falls!

Nothing to see here, folks!

"The hole should be located close to here." Ford said, turning off the engine. Dipper was sitting in the passenger seat, Mabel behind him, Stan next to her. They all got out of the car and stretched. Ford and Dipper hauled equipment out of the trunk while Mabel ran over to a squirrel to pet it. Stan was leaning against the car, and he let out a yawn.

"Grunkle Stan you look TERRIBLE. You need to get some sleep! Just look at those eye bags! Boop!" Mabel poked Stan's cheek just below the eye. Stan let out a low, slightly annoyed chuckle which turned into a sigh.

Meanwhile, Ford and Dipper stood near the border, rifling through a large duffel.

"Aha! Found it." Ford triumphantly pulled a strange gadget that Dipper had never seen before out of the bag. It looked to be some sort of ray. Ford pointed it at the ground and pulled the trigger, projecting a beam of purple light. He shut it off. "It appears to be working still." He smirked, handing the gadget to Dipper. "So you see, Dipper. This machine emits a ray of-" He paused and took a breath. "Well, weirdness. If you point the ray at the border it should cause a reaction." Dipper raised an eyebrow and gave his uncle a smirk. He pointed the ray towards the border and pulled the trigger.

The purple light shot at the border causing a bright flash. Dipper took his finger off the trigger, stopping the light. Stan and Mabel ran over, rubbing their eyes.

"Gah, what was that?!" Stan asked, frustration in his voice.

"IT HURTS." Mabel yelled.

"Im sorry guys. I forgot." Ford blinked shutting his eye tight each time. "You are gonna need safety eyewear to protect your eyes. Can everyone see okay now?" Everyone nodded, and Ford started pulling sunglasses out of the duffel. "Alright. Are we ready to try this again?" Dipper once more shot the ray at the border. The once invisible barrier began to glow a bright blue as the beam of purple light hit it. Even with the glasses the bright light hurt the family's eyes.

"Woah." Mabel said, walking up to the border and sticking her hand through it. She couldn't feel a thing. "HAHA I'M NORMAL!" She moved her hand in and out of the border. "Beep, boop, beep, boop, beep, boop." Dipper and Ford chuckled.

"Dipper, keep your finger on the trigger, me and your sister will look for the hole." Ford walked along the barrier. "Mabel, it should be just a few inches wide and be the only part of the barrier that doesn't illuminate blue. Keep your eyes open, it might-"

"FOUND IT!" Mabel interrupted. She was standing next to a circular hole, about three or four inches in diameter, staring through it into the outside world.

"Nice one, Mabel. Stay right there so we don't forget where it is. Now where is Stan? I'm gonna need some help." Stan hopped out of the car.

"Sorry, Sixer, just getting a smudge off my glasses. Whad'ya need?"

"There you are. Come help me set up my equipment."

Just then, the world went dark.

"Uhh guys. The ray isn't working." Dipper said quietly. They took off their glasses. As their eyes adjusted to the light, they saw Dipper fiddling with the ray.

"Crap." Ford sighed. "It's battery is probably dead. I think I left the spare battery at the shack." Ford sighed and shook his head.

"Its all cool, Grunkle Fordsy. You can just go home and pick up the battery, right?" Mabel asked in a giddy voice. She always remained optimistic, no matter the circumstances. Nothing could ever take away that girls spirit.

"Right, right. My apologies. You guys can stay here, Ill be back in around an hour." Ford quickly hopped back in their rusty little car and zoomed away, leaving the rest of the Pines family alone in the woods.

"Hey Dip! Betcha I can lick the tip of my nose!"

"Mabel. You're 22 years old. I don't thi-"

"Ooh, is DipDop scared to lose the bet?"

"Fine. Five bucks says you cant."

"I'll take it!"

Stan stood by the border close to where Mabel was standing near the hole. He couldn't see exactly where it was without the ray on, but he knew he was close. Dipper took note of him looking off into the woods, sunglasses pushed high up on his nose. Something about his demeanor was off. He almost seemed like a child, but in a disturbing kind of way. Like something was wrong deep inside his head. Dipper had no real reason to believe this, but something about his body gestures, the way his hands fell to his sides, how he rolled on his heels back and forth, or how his usually grumpy resting face now appeared to be a slightly arrogant grin..

"HAHA! That'th five big oneth, Dipstick!" Mabel announced, tongue sticking out of her mouth. Dipper ignored and made his way over to where his great uncle had been standing, still staring down the highway and into the woods."

"Hey there, Stan. A-Are you okay?" Dipper asked, his voice sounding uncomfortable and awkward. He wasn't sure what answer he was expecting.

"Of course I'm okay, Kid! Why wouldn't I be?" He replied, his tone reflected the weird demeanor the uncle was giving off. It had a sort of cockiness, but not in the usual way. It was more upbeat. Dipper was disturbed, though he felt bad that he thought that. "He's just in a really good mood." He thought to himself. "Right?"

"I don't know you just seem-" He stopped himself and examined the other once more. "Why do you still have the sunglasses on? The ray is off."

"Oh, uhm. Well-" Stan struggled to find words. "It's bright. Why not, Pinetree?" He stopped himself and bit his lip. "God I hope he didn't hear that."

Dipper sighed. "That's what he used to call me." He said in a somber tone. "Its even bright outside. Complete cloud cover." His tone shifted as he elbowed his grunkles arm in a playful manner, shoving his arm forward. But his hand hit something. The barrier illuminated blue where he had touched it. His fingers jammed against the invisible wall. Dipper stood next to his grunkle in shock, then it hit him. The flashbacks hit him like a freight train. The pieces clicked together in Dippers head as he turned to face Stan. Maybe it was paranoia.

"No kid. I- Let me explain."

"Take off the glasses, Bill." It almost stung to say his name.

"Look kiddo, I don't know what you want or why you are calling me Bill, but-"

"TAKE THEM OFF!" Dipper yelled as he grasped for the glasses on Stan's face. He flinched, but it was too late. Dipper tore the glasses off, revealing Stan's eyes. They were gold. His pupil stretched out like that of a cat.

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