Safe with a Murderer

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"A new case of murder here in Sandoval City. This is the third time of crime here in the city. Three victims died in three consecutive day---"

"What the actual fudge is this? REALLY!?!? In my city?"

*ring ring*

"Hey yowww who's this?"

"Don't you hey yow, hey yow me Y/N!!! It's me lil sis."

"Oh hey sis, what's up?"

"I heard there's crime in your city where you're living"

"Yeahh I heard about it. Now, I'm scared to go outside or just lock myself here in the house."

"Just lock yourself in the house. I'll give you allowance for a month. Okay?"

"Thankss sis. You're really a hero!!!"

"Of course! For you kiddo. Alright bye bye~"

"Bye sis!"

*knock knock*

Oh so now who's this? Aishh..

WAIIIITTTTT!!!!! It might be the murderer. I should take a peek in the window first.

"Hey y/n/n it's me, Jennie."

"Oh thank God Jennie. I thought you're someone else." I said opening the door.

"Why? Is there something wrong?"

"Oh damn Jennie! Haven't you heard the news? There's a murderer here in the city. Come on get inside before there something wrong to happen."

"Y/n you're so protective to me huh?"

"Why you don't want? Fine get out" I said coldly.

"Just kidding babe~"

Did she just cal-

"Hey y/n/n, let's watch a movie! I want to cuddle with you~" using her cute baby voice.

Aishh this girl.

"Ok cool. Just open the TV then I'll get the snacks and blanket"

3rd Person's POV

While y/n is getting their snacks and blanket, jennie opened the TV as said. After everything was placed in the right place, y/n and jennie cuddle all together. Jennie is feeling so warm in y/n's arms and body. After awhile, y/n fell asleep in Jennie's arms.

"She's so cute~" jennie thought.

She turned off the TV and cuddle with y/n.

"Sleep tight my baby~. Don't worry, you're safe with a murderer."

A/U: Meenn I got Goosebumps while writing 😂

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