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One day, Ryder plans to go camping

Ryder :"Pups, Come here"
Chase :"What's up,Ryder?"
Ryder :"Tomorrow, we will go camping in the latest. Do you want to join?"
Chase :"That's a good idea, Ryder"
Alls :"Yeah...!"
Ryder :"Alright, now you are ready for items needed for camping tomorrow, while I will take care of the food. I will invite Katie, Everest, and Tracker to participate"
Alls :"Ok, Ryder!"

Puppies go take the items needed for camping

Rubble :"What did you prepare Marshall?"
Marshall :"Try I see. tents, mats, Apollo Super Pups comics,..."
Rubble :"Food?"
Zuma :"You're this, your mind just eat and eat"
Rubble :"Indeed"
Zuma :"I thought"
Rubble :"Why, problem for you?"
Marshall :"Already, you don't fight continuously"
Everest :"He is right"
Everest & Katie :"Hi, pups!"
Alls :"Hi, Everest!. Hi, Katie!"
Everest :"Can I help you?"
Skye :"Everest, please bring a mat for us to sleep later"
Everest :"Ok!"
Katie :"Can I help?"
Chase :"Of course, Katie"

8 Hours Later...

Marshall :"Why doesn't Tracker come?"
Chase :"Well, that's it!"
Tracker :"Hi, Pups!"
Marshall :"Why are you very long?"
Tracker :"Forgive me. I was helping people, so I was late here"
Chase :"It's okay, I appreciate your attitude. Come in"
Tracker :"Ok!"

The next day...

Ryder  :"Everything is ready?"
Chase :"Already, Ryder"
Ryder :"If so, we will go two hours again. Tell others"
Chase :"Ok, Ryder!"

He went to meet his friends

Marshall :"Hey Chase, (Marshall approached Chase) What did he say?"
Chase :"He said we will depart 2 hours again"
Rubble :"Ahhh!" (shout)
Alls :"Rubble" (run towards Rubble)
Zuma :"What happened to you. until shouting so?"
Rubble :(fear) "There are spiders in my nose"
Chase :"Just like this is afraid"

2 Hours Later...

Katie :"How long do we wait for Paw Patroller to come"
Chase :"Yes, it's 7 more than 10 minutes"
Ryder :"That's him!"
Chase :"I will call another. (run toward friends) Hey Pups, let's go!"
Alls :(howling) "AUHHH!" [they entered the Paw Patroller]

They went to the forest which was quite far from the Adventure Bay city

Skye :"Do we arrive?"
Ryder :"Looks like we waited too long"
Katie :"Indeed, where are we going to camp?"
Ryder :"Place that has a beautiful view. a bit far from the Adventure Bay city"

After arriving at the forest

Ryder :"We arrived"
Alls :"(barking) "Augh, augh, augh"
Ryder :"Alright, I will share the task for you. Rubble & Marshall, you two take wood branches for campfires. And the rest, we will build a tent"
Rubble & Marshall :(simultently) "Alright, Ryder!"
Tracker :"But Ryder, there are only 8 tents while we are ten people"
Ryder :"How come?"
Tracker :"Earlier, I was with Rocky looking
for a tent. But I haven't found it too"
Ryder :"So like this. Everest, you sleep one tent with Skye"
Skye :"Yeah. We can tell before going to bed"
Everest :"Yep!"
Katie :"
Ryder :"Alright, Paw Patrol in action"
Alls :(barking) "AUGH-AUGH!"

While in the forest

Rubble :"Marshall, is it enough?"
Marshall :"Enough. (then he stepped on something) What is it?"
Rubble :"What's up, Marshall?"
Marshall :"There is an old paper"
Rubble :"Hopefully the treasure map"

A few minutes later...

Rubble :"Hey Pups!"
Marshall :"Hey Pups. Earlier, when I was and Rubble took a branch wood. I found an old paper"
Rubble :"Yeah. When I want to read it, I'm afraid to see it."
Everest :"Try I see?"
Marshall :"Here say 'If you read this letter, that means you enter the uninhabited forest. You have to get out of this forest. If you don't immediately get out of here, then you will die!' "

All puppies begin to fear. Especially Skye

Skye :"It's a l-l-lie, right?" (convoluted)
Chase :"I-i-it doesn't s-s-seem" (convolute and fear)
Skye :"Don't joke, Chase!" (angry)
Chase :"I'm serious. See there's writing again"
Skye :"Try reading, Chase"
Chase :" 'Except, if you want to live. You have to look for the cave here. You don't underestimate this letter. If you underestimate this letter, then you will die! Greetings, Mr. X' "
Everest :"W-w-who, who is Mr. X?
Marshall :"I don't know? It seems, he wants to challenge us"
[Suddenly, Ryder appeared]
Ryder :"Hi, Pups!"
Alls :(shout) "Ahhh!"
Ryder :(Ryder was shocked) "What's wrong. Why did you shout?"
Marshall :"Ohhh, Ryder. I think Mr. X"
Ryder :"Mr. X, who is Mr. X?"
Marshall :"Try you to read this letter, Ryder" (he gave letter to Ryder)
Ryder :"Hmmm (he read the letter), don't trust this letter. It's just people who deliberately wants to scare us"
Tracker :"But, what if this letter is correct. Because this paper is very old"
Zuma :"Yeah!"
Rubble :"I'm still a pity with the cave?"
Ryder :"No need to believe. (he was curious) But, I'm also curious."
Katie :"Hey, Ryder. Can you come here?"
Ryder :"Yeah, Katie. I immediately got there! "
Rubble :"Hey Pups, how if we will burn Marsmellow. I have a full bag"
Rocky :"That's a good idea, Rubble"

That night, They gathered near the campfire. Then they talked about the letter found Marshall while eating spaghetti

Rubble :"Yummy! His spaghetti is very delicious"
Tracker :"Very good!"
Everest :"It's the most delicious spaghetti ever"
Katie :"Thank you!"
Ryder :"Guys, tomorrow we go investigate the cave that the letter referred to"
Katie :"Indeed why do you want there?"
Marshall :"You just read this letter" (he gave letter to Katie)
Ryder :"This afternoon, Marshall found this letter and it seemed like he was disturbed by our arrival. So, you must be extra careful. Because I'm sure the cave must have a trap"
Alls :"Yes, Ryder!"
Rubble :"Ohh, Yeah. If you have finished your conversation, you'd better eat Marsmellow"

After they ate, they continued by burning Marsmellow

Skye :"It's very cold here!"
Chase :"Are you cold?"
Skye :"Yeah!"
Chase :"I'll warm you with my blanket"
Thought Skye :"He really is my attention"
Skye :"Thank you"
Tracker :"Chase, Do you have a girlfriend?"
Chase :"Not!"
Zuma :"Honestly, if you like Skye"
Chase :"No, not at all"
Ryder :"Ok, it's time to sleep. Tomorrow you wake up early"
Alls :"Ok, Ryder!"

They returned to their respective tents

continue to the next part.

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