Episode 04

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"Hello?" I held the phone while vaccuming the carpet. "Yukako, can you come over to Sanchome children's park?" Kato asked. "Alright. Give me 15 minutes" I replied. "Sorry to bother you on your day off" he apologized. "It's alright. Anything for my senpai" I smiled before hanging up the phone.

At the Park

"So this is what happened" Kato sighed tirelessly. "Kato-san, I never knew you would lose against a kid" I chuckled slightly. "I called you to help me not for this" he groaned. "Well I know just the right person" I pulled out my phone and tapped on his number. "Hello" Damn his voice sounds even hotter on call "H-hey" I stuttered before clearing my throat. "Can you come over to meet us?" I asked sweetly. "Send me the address" he said before hanging up. "He's coming!" I clapped my hands together.

Oh wow he looks good. I bite my lip while my eyes went all over his body. "Tsuyoshi-kun" I called the kid. "Is this the uncle?" He asked earning continuous nods from me and Kato. And just like Kato-san, Daisuke also got trapped. "This is a promise between men" the kid said smiling. "Yes, my work is done now" I smiled at the boy and turned around. "Nee-san you're the most important character" he said holding my hand. "Ahem, where's your house?" Daisuke asked narrowing his eyes at the kid. "That way but the dog went this way" he said pointing in the opposite direction. "That's false" Daisuke said and started talking about dog's behaviors. You've never had a dog, did u Daisuke?

"I think the dog went back home" Daisuke suggested. "Really? Then let's go!" The kid ran holding my hand. "We're not there yet?" Daisuke asked annoyed. "Are you tired already? So useless" the kid counterbacked. "Pfft" I covered my mouth hoping he didn't hear but Daisuke was already looking at me. The kid seemed like he spotted his dog and ran towards it. After going inside someone's house we found out it was a cat. I apologized to the lady along with Tsuyoshi. "Looks like he went home" Kato said not seeing Daisuke around. Mmm he didn't even help.

"Let's go home for now" I held the boys hand. "I don't know the way to home" the kid said looking down. Kato went in the other direction while I took the kid to the police station. "Alright, thank you. His mother said she'll be here in about 10 minutes" the officer told us. "So we wait now" I said ruffling the boy's hair. After a few minutes the mother arrived. "Bye bye" I waved at the kid back before calling Kato. "Kato-san I handed the kid to his mother. Did u find anything?" I asked. " No nothing. I'll go home now. You go too" he said. "Yes, goodbye"I said cutting the call. I looked up only to be met by a pair of icy blue eyes.

I was quite shocked seeing Daisuke in front of me. "Didn't you go home?" I asked walking beside him. No reply. "I'm sorry for troubling you. I can handle the rest. You can go home" I said slightly pissed. Growl~ I looked at Daisuke who had slightly red cheeks. "Let's eat first" I went towards him. "I can't go home" he mumbled. "Alright then" I pulled his hand and went inside a supermarket. I handed him a basket and went towards the food racks. He seems like a lost puppy. KAWAIII. "Did something happen?" I asked while looking at the expiry date. Still no reply. I placed the last packet in the basket before walking towards the cashier. "Clothes!" I gasped before rushing to the clothes and cosmetics section. Man I nearly forgot he was staying the night.

"Do you always come shopping by yourself?" He asked taking the bags from me. "Yes, since I live alone" I blushed a little at the gesture. We reached my apartment and I unlocked the door. "This is where you live?" Daisuke asked looking around. "Yeah you don't get a chance to complain" I said taking the bags from him. "Take this bag with you and have a shower. I will be done with dinner soon" I said wearing the apron.

The bathroom door opened to reveal a comfy Daisuke, wiping his wet hair. "You don't have bad fashion sense" he smiled at me. "Thank you" I smiled back but inside I was like HOT HOT HOT. "I have a blow dryer if you want" I said placing the plates on the table. "I don't know how to use one..." he mumbled. "I can help you..?" His eyes glistened before he nodded at me. "For now I'm wrapping this towel around, after dinner I will do it" I said releasing his head.

He looked at me and then back at the food. He took a spoonful and chewed on it. This makes me so nervous Oh God! "Delicious" whispered. I sighed in relief. After dinner I washed the dishes and then prepared a futon beside my bed. "Sit here" I pointed towards the futon. He came slowly and then sat between my legs. I removed the towel and gave his hair a final wipe. Then I turned on the blow dryer and brushed his hair along. Since we sat infront of the mirror I could feel him gazing at me. "Done" I said running my fingers through his soft silky hair.

"Movie?" I asked to which he nodded. I pulled out the CDs from the TV stand and placed it in front of him. "Choose one and then play it. I will join you after finishing my shower." I said grabbing my towel before going to the bathroom. After coming out of the shower I found Daisuke passed out on the futon, the movie still playing. Such a baby. I turned off the TV and then carried him to the bed. I put a fresh blanket on top of him and tucked him properly. He looks so peaceful My fingers traced his cheeks then went to his jawline and then to his collarbones. Ohhhhhh! I jumped away from him. The hell Yukako?! I dried my hair before going under the futon and then closed my eyes shut.

Light peaked through the curtains causing me to stir. I tried move but the weight of something made it difficult. I turned around only to be met with a bare chest. My eyes went up to find Daisuke sleeping soundlessly. He groaned softly before tightening his arm around my waist. This doesn't make things easier! I gently removed his arm and walked towards the washroom. I freshed up and then went to the kitchen to make breakfast. "Mornin" I turned my head to see a half naked Daisuke. "Good morning!" I squealed, my pitche higher than ever. "B-Breakfast will be done soon so go freshen up" I stuttered avoiding his eyes. He hummed before going away. I almost dropped on the floor.

I was nearly done making breakfast when suddenly two hands from behind caged me from both sides. "What did you make?" Daisuke asked his breath tickling my neck. "N-Natto and miso soup" I whispered. "Tch" "Hey, it's good for health"I turned around only to be met by a closeup Daisuke. "Mm it sure is" he said leaning close. I was saved instantly when my phone rang. "P-phone" I whispered before rushing over to pick it up. "H-Hello?" "Yukako, you don't have to come today. Just ask Daisuke to come" Kato said. "Okay, thank you." I cut the call.
"Who was it?" Daisuke asked sipping the soup acting like NOTHING happened. I took a deep breath and walked over to him. "Kato-san. He said I don't have to come. Only you two were enough" I said sipping my soup. "It's tasty" he said. "Thank you" blush creeped onto my cheeks. Daisuke soon dressed back into his own clothes and walked towards the door to wear his shoes. "I had a good time. Thank you for taking care of me" He smiled at me warmly. Wish I had a freaking camera infront of me! "It's n-nothing. You're welcome to come anytime" I smiled back.

"Are you going to be that far from me?" He asked and that's when I realized I was indeed very far. "Sorry" I said embarrassingly before walking over to him. "Have a safe journey" i bowed slightly. And just when I stood straight a pair of soft lips crashed onto mine making me hitch on my breath. The kiss was short but it felt like an entire lifetime. "Thank you" he pulled apart and caressed my cheek before opening the door and walking away. I grazed my thumb over my lip processing what just happened. "Aaahhhh!"


Thank you for reading episode 04.
Please let me know my mistakes.

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