1. when he was looking out for me (i would pretend he was my summer fling)

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When you're twelve, and almost at the end of your first year of high school, you get into a fight with your parents as to whether or not you still need a babysitter. Much to your chagrin, however, they don't see twelve as 'practically sixteen, which is practically an adult' and you sulk for the full three days leading up to the night they were going out. The night of, you're fully intending on staying in your room, until there's a knock at the door, and you hear a voice that is absolutely not your usual babysitter.

"Be good," your parents call to you as they're leaving, having noticed where you'd cracked the door to your room to see who it was. You make a face at them, but you're surprised to see a kid from Sixth Form on crutches, who is absolutely not Madeline, standing in the hallway awkwardly. You're pretty sure you've seen him around school, maybe he's on the soccer team? You're not sure.

"You're not Maddy," you tell him, opening the door a little wider, and he seems surprised for a moment to see you there. A kind, awkward smile appears on his face as he regards you with gentle amusement.

"Well spotted, I'm Ben, Maddy's got the flu," he explained easily, and offered his hand, "you're Y/N, right?" And he's trying so hard, but you're still kind of mad at your parents for insisting on a babysitter in the first place.

"Who else would I be?" You asked flatly, which surprised a laugh from Ben, but you shook his hand anyways; you had to give him props for trying, "why are you using crutches?" You asked outright, since you're pretty sure he wasn't using crutches last time you saw him at school. You turned, heading for the living room, deciding to at least give him a chance.

"Sprained my ankle in class the other week," he explained, hobbling along behind you.

"Sport or just P.E?" You asked, throwing yourself onto the sofa and picking up the TV remote. Ben was quiet for a long moment, and when you look at where he's sitting gingerly on the edge of the sofa, he's making a face like he doesn't quite want to admit the truth.

"Theater sports," he explained, which piqued your interest, which, of course, you try not to let show on your face, because if your babysitter knows you already think he's cool, you might die of embarrassment. But also, you suddenly feel incredibly validated for taking those theater classes every Thursday afternoon.

"They're -" he tries to explain, but you give another eye roll.

"I know what theater sports are," you tell him, and his smile turns amused.

"You do?" He asks, and you think he might be a little bit impressed, or perhaps it was just wishful thinking, either way, you nod firmly, "well I was in the middle of Space Jump - you know Space Jump, right? Where you start an activity and then someone else calls 'Space Jump' and you have to freeze and they have to make a new scene from your freeze, and then someone else comes in -" he explained, mostly to save you the embarrassment of admitting you didn't know the game, "well I was up on one leg on a chair, climbing the rigging of a ship, you know how pirates do, and I froze, and -" he gestured how he'd fallen off the chair, with accompanying sound effects.

"Couldn't you have just put your other foot down and balanced yourself?" You offered, and he shook his head, expression adamant.

"It's all about the commitment to the bit; I was trying to entertain them, and the best way I can do that is to put myself out there one-hundred percent," he told you sincerely, "you've always gotta follow through."

"You sprained your ankle," you pointed out, "isn't that dangerous advice?" He deflates a little, looking down at his leg.

"Follow through but use your common sense, you've got common sense, don't you?" He asked, giving a wry smile, two which you nodded diligently, "don't get yourself hurt, then," he suggests, before changing the subject quickly, "you hungry yet? Your parents said we could order pizza." You're easily excited by the thought of pizza, a rare treat your parents allowed you whenever you were babysat.

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