14. say what you want me to say

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Before heading back to Canada, you stop over in LA for a week. It's more of a formality; you could just as easily sign your Ready Player One contract in London, but being in the states gives you the opportunity to shake Spielberg's hand and thank him in person. He's frightfully kind, and has a strangely serene warmth in his smile, but his handshake is unyielding.

"Thank you to you," he counters your thanks with one of his own, "we're glad to have you on board."

When you ask, in passing, if they've cast the lead, Wade Watts, the response you get is not the one you'd expected.

"We believe you may already know him," one of the producers says with a faint smile, and you raise your eyebrows in silent question, "Tye Sheridan." An involuntary laugh of disbelief escapes you, but they don't take offence, since the smile you wear belies how pleased you are at the prospect. Not that you'd had a lot of interaction with Tye, but you'd shared more than a few scenes, you'd been out drinking with him, had sparred with him once or twice to warm up for the final scenes, and honestly, you're just glad you don't have to build your relationship up from nothing.

Building a leading romance with a stranger would have been intimidating, but you would have manager; Tye is kind of a dork and you're pretty sure you could never be intimidated by him. You're already looking forward to it.

Once you've signed, and you've still got a week to just do nothing in LA before you're needed in Canada, you send a text to the cast group chat that's now used mostly for memes.

(Y/N) Mrs Worthington III: lost in LA, anyone wanna give me a tour?

You really needed to change your nickname, you realise with a frown, but doing so seems like it would cause too much of a scene. You leave it be for now.

(Alexandra) thor copied ME: yes absolutely babes, where u at?

(Evan) gotta go fast: where in LA?

(Evan) gotta go fast: nvm you're lost. right.

(Y/N) Mrs Worthington III: would not say no to more than one tour guide

(Alexandra) thor copied ME: mini reunion for anyone in town?

(Tye) Pink Eye: big town

(Tye) Pink Eye: whatever im free I'll be there

(Y/N) Mrs Worthington III: be where tho???

(Y/N) Mrs Worthingon III: am still v lost 😅😅

It ends up being only you four; yourself, Evan, Tye, and Alexandra, since everyone else was already at the reshoots, doing scenes you weren't needed in, or weren't anywhere close to LA.

It's getting into the afternoon by the time people start arriving at the café Evan had suggested; he's waiting there, the first to arrive, all dark hair and casual confidence, and he greets you with a wide smile and a hug. Small talk mostly consists of what you've both been up to, how your various holiday seasons have gone, and projects you've got lined up. You're pretty sure you're not allowed to talk about Ready Player One until your casting's announced, so instead you show off photos from A Streetcar Named Desire.

"I forgot you've done a lot of stage stuff," Evan muses, clearly impressed by the production, and you in it, right around the time Alexandra sends a message apologising for being late.

Which means Tye's the next to show up.

There's a moment where your gaze meets his, and he frowns for a beat, tipping his head to the side and giving you a questioning look, which you mirror. Does he know?

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