Soul Siblings(ALYA X ADRIEN)

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I love the stories where Alya and Adrien act like siblings. So in this story Alya found out about Adrien being Chat noir. So they become closer as friends. They even call each other siblings. Now on to the story.....

Adrien's POV:
It's 1 in the morning and I am freaking out. I just found out something about M'lady and Princess. Plagg is of no help. He is laughing and telling me how stupid I was. I need someone to talk to. Nino? no he can't know my identity. Mari? she is the root of all this. Father? yeah right like that ever end well. 'Think Agreste think.....Aha I know the purrfect person'. I grabbed my phone to text that person.
Banana bro: Hey Als you awake?
Soul sis: Yup what's wrong? Trouble with your father? I could adopt u now if u want.
Banana bro: Haha nope its not him this time.
Soul sis: The adoption offer still stands. Any way what's wrong?
Banana bro: It's about Mari and Lb.
Soul sis: U finally figured out they are the same person?
Banana bro: WHAT!?! YOU KNEW!!!!
Soul sis: Duh if u are CN its obvious she is LB.
Banana bro: hello Alya?
I waited a few minutes for her to respond. ''She must've fallen asleep''
I looked toward the door to see Alya burst through it. ''Alya you could have woke someone up!'' I whisper yelled at my sister. Well  we are not blood related but she is still a sister to me. I started rambling to her. At one point I started crying that Mari will hate me. Alya cradled me like a mother does to her child. Saying '' Mama Alya's got you'' and reassured me Mari won't hate hate me. She is like my big sister. At 3am Alya went home. Tomorrow at school is Soul Siblings Day(A/N: Just pretend it exists). We have to choose someone as our siblings wear matching outfits and give each other gifts. I picked Alya of course. I got her an interview with a celebrity who came to Paris recently. No one got her interview since she came to Paris so Alya will be the first and of course we have matching Ladybug themed outfits. I went to school the next and saw Nino, Mari and Alya.'' Hey guys Happy soul siblings day''. '' Hi Adrien Happy SSD'' ''He-e-ey A-adrien''. I noticed Nino and Mari dressed in Chat noir theme. We went to class. I see Sabrina and Chloe as bees. Kim and Max as car racers. Juleka and Ivan as vampires. Alix and Nath as spray painters. Mylene and Rose as gardeners. Lila is no where to be found. The class started but a few hours later an akuma attacks.

During the battle:-
I wasn't paying much attention the fight. ''CHAT'' I hear Ladybug yell. Then I heard some one scream from behind me. I tuned to see Alya lying on the ground and the villain laughing. 'She took the hit for me'. ''ALYA'' LB crouch down next to her. I felt my blood boil. 'He hurt MY sister'. Next of my actions were a blur. Luckily no one else was there after the victim left LB performed 'Miraculous Ladybug'. As soon as Alya stood up I hugged her. ''Don't EVER do that again. You are important to me Als. You are the big sister I never had.'' I said to Alya unaware Ladybug watching and listening to us. ''Don't worry banana bro I am not going anytime soon.'' Alya said patting my back. We pulled away.
''Ba-ba-banana bro b-but There is only o-one person Alya ca-calls that.''. Ladybug says then her eyes widen ''A-A-ADRIEN'' She shrieked then fainted. I caught her before she fell down. ''Oh no''. Alya bursts out laughing. ''Let's go back''. We first went to a alleyway to de-transform. I am carrying Mari in bridal style. ''Hey Adrien'' ''Hmm'' Alya smirks ''I approve her as my sister-in-law.'' ''S-s-s-h-hu-ut u-u-u-p-p A-al-al-al-ya''. Although she tease me to no end. She is the best soul sibling.



Keep on dreaming.........   

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