Chapter 1: A New Job part 1

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Iku Kasahara

I stand next to Tezuka, standing at attention. Tezuka stares pointedly at the wall. I glance at him. A barely audible sigh emanates from him. "Stare at the wall,"

"Oh!" I turn my gaze on the wall. Tezuka was so much better at this than me. My cheeks flush in embarrassment. Maybe someday I'd stop relying on Dojo and Tezuka so much.

"Hikaru Tezuka?" A voice asks, and I startle.

"Sir? Tezuka responds. I realize that the voice happened to be the President of the United States. Whose side was he on? The libraries'? Almost certainly not.

"I hear we have a special mission for you soon."

I half expect Tezuka to accept, he's always compliant when it comes to authority. "I apologize, sir, but my duty is to the Library. I cannot give up my duty."

"Which is what I'm here for. I want to use Library Force members in the military. Iku and you are my first members of a new force protecting books all around the country. I wanted your whole squadron, but in the end, I picked you guys. I'll brief you two later."

He leaves. Tezuka whispers to me, "At attention."

"I know!" I whisper back. "You don't need to keep helping me!"

Tezuka winces before returning to his normal placid state.

"At ease and return to your posts. Corporals Tezuka and Kasahara report at the office."

Tezuka relaxes, at least as relaxed as Tezuka can be. "Let's go,"

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