1: In the beginning, time had no form, space was not born.
2: The endless silence was finally ended with the first words, spoken by the ancient light of Joshua Zigman Pigstein.
3: "Let there be Basketball." He shouted into the void.
4: Suddenly, time had a place, space had begun. The Universe had taken its rightful existence and it was good.
5: The formation of the planets and stars had begun, and it was good.
6: A planet called Urth was selected and a curious species called the Gorbs was created.
7: It was not good.
8: The Gorbs were supposed to be great minds, but they immediately made stupid decisions, their writing system was already a mess. WHAT EVEN IS AN "EEE ARTHH"? Did they call themselves hoomahns? Josh was sorely disappointed. But, in his unending kindness, Joshua endowed the Gorbs with an even greater mind, a secondary shared mind, capable of weaving a new reality. The Gorbs were instructed to use the gift to create higher beings that will guide them.9: After all, Josh had accomplished his goal, thanks to the Gorbs, or Humans, there was basketball.
10: And so, the most devout to basketball were chosen to be called great by the creator and nothing else. These people were the Lithuanians.
The Capitalist Bible
SpiritualThe Capitalist Bible is not a meer story of fiction but is what truly happened since the beginning and what will happen in the end times. Also, @ice_clansworth448 made a good cover, coolio. READ AND BE ENLIGHTENED.