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Likes:@theburntchip and others@EvieMinterxx:GUYS LAST SHOW IN LONDON!!! Surprise with supporting acts ksi, Sarah close and talia mar!!! Finally your date let's make it a good one! 💓

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Likes:@theburntchip and others
@EvieMinterxx:GUYS LAST SHOW IN LONDON!!! Surprise with supporting acts ksi, Sarah close and talia mar!!! Finally your date let's make it a good one! 💓

@w2sofficalfan:the only thing that would make it a good one if it wasn't your show and the supporting acts

@lilsidemen123:just stop touring after this your a flop

@miniminter:you'll do amazing sis 🔥

@ksi:I honesty hate hater, just be supportive for fuck sakes

@tobijizzle:anyone know where evie is? This is serious guys

"Evie!!!!! Evie!!!!"Harry calls running about while Simon remains outside to find her and Tobi stays in the crowd and was his phone looking if anything Ethan kept ringing her she was lost

Then you just hear little sobbing and he turned and saw her sat on the floor

"Hay hay Evie"Harry said crouching down and Evie realised it was him and rested her head his shoulder

"Your on after Serah what you doing?"Harry said

"No one wants me out on that stage like the Leeds one and the Birmingham wasn't that good like all I'm getting is hate because people think I know I'm popular but really I'm not that known I shouldn't be doing a EP and your and everything it's too much people can't keep up with me got YouTube modelling everything"evie explained

"I'll tell you a fact I can't keep up with you but you should never stop doing something oh wanna do for other people how you think I felt no one form Guernsey was doing YouTube everyone on that island basically who I was and I was that weirdo who did videos"Harry explained and then Harry grabbed her hand

"Listen all your friends have been hyped about this since the day you started the tour...and I to be honest if you don't go out there my sister probably won't be as happy.."Harry said then Evie looked at him and he had a little smile

"Your sister here? And you didn't tell me?!? What!"evie said he laughed

"Nope I can't disappoint your family she'll hate me forever"evie said

"Evie"Harry said

"What we haven't got time! Come on!!!"evie said and she was up and off and just left Harry

"She already loves you...like I do"Harry mumbled and sighed and text Simon

To Simon:get back inside I found her and she getting ready to go on stage

And as Harry headed back to the box where everyone was Simon was there and gave him a hug

"Know I can count on you bro"Simon said he smiled and everyone asked if she was okay and then his sister asked

"Yeh she's fine cos she knows your here now"Harry said

"SHE KNOWS IM HERE!!! OH MY GOD!!!"Rosie exclaimed Harry laughed

After the show....
"Ayyyyy that's fucking sick!!!"everyone was saying to her then she saw Harry after she thanked everyone backstage

"Evie this is my sister"Harry said

"Oh my god hi! So nice to finally meet you!"evie said and Rosie smiled

"Same!!!! your gorgeous honestly"Rosie said

"Same applies to you you so gorgeous!! So how long are you in London for?"evie asked she basically took all her time out to talk to Rosie than celebrate with her friends Harry thought it was sweet of her and he just watch the moment happen

"well I'm here all tomorrow then I leave the next day I was going to come out with you all but I'm tired of travelling so I'm off back to the flat to sleep on Harry sofa"she laughed

"Well I'm off back home you can have my bed if you like I'm back at like 10 tomorrow morning and I'll go and stay at Harry's"evie insisted

"No it's fine honestly"Rosie said

"No please let me because the last thing you want is your drunk brother along with his annoying flat mates"evie said

"OI where all here you know"luxs said everyone laughed

"I love you both really"evie laughed

"But maybe tomorrow we can go for lunch or something so I can get to know you better"evie said

"Yeah that be amazing"she said and Evie looked over at Harry and then Rosie started talking to talia and everyone so evie got up to see Harry

"Decent show"Harry said

"I wouldn't have gone out if it wasn't for you"

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