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Jungkook woke up to the aroma of food, wrinkling his nose he sat up on the sofa and glanced around, but his eyes darted open as he saw Jimin standing in front of him with a spatula in his hand.

"Well, it's about time you got up. I am making Jin breakfast, but I need to leave soon as I didn't bring anything to wear for school today, so I need to go home and get ready. Can you get up and finish breakfast before he wakes up?"

Jungkook closed his eyes and raked his fingers through his hair as he tried to process what Jimin was saying to him. "I am sorry, but I have to get ready for school, I don't have time to make Jin breakfast. Can't he make himself something to eat?"

"You had time to get him pregnant, but not time to make him breakfast to feed YOUR child?" Jimin yells as he waved the spatula in front of Jungkook's face.

Jungkook stood up, making Jimin take a step back, "put that spatula near my face again, and I promise you, before you walk through this door, Yoongi will be here. Now, take your ass back to the kitchen and continue pampering the big baby in that room however you please, and leave me out of it. Last night you both caused me hell, I am not dealing with it today. And for the record, the baby has two parents; I am not the only one who made it."

"The "it" is a she, you asshole and call Yoongi, see if I give a damn, I will slap him with the frying pan, I have always wanted to knock someone out with one anyone."

Reaching over to Jimin's hand, Jungkook grabbed the spatula from his hand and threw it to the opposite side of the living room cause Jimin to gasp and slap him on his shoulder, "what the hell is your problem, I was using that."

"I don't give a shit." Jungkook let out and pushed past Jimin walking into the bedroom where Jin was.

He paused and shook his head as he saw Jin curled up on the bed, his eyes skim over him, and he saw his shirt halfway up, showing his belly making his eyes linger on it.

"Stop staring at him, you pervert!" Jimin said as he pushes Jungkook to the side and walks over to Jin.

"You little piece of-"

"Seokjin, baby, it's time to wake up. I am making you breakfast. Wash up and come eat, or do you want to have it in bed?" Jimin was rubbing his hand over Jin's stomach as he woke him up.

Jin turned onto his back and looked at Jimin, "you made me breakfast?"

"I did, all by myself, I asked for help, but your roommate is an asshole, but nothing to worry about, there is a reason why you have me." Jimin smiled and leaned down, lifting Jin's shirt and kissing his belly. "Hi there princess, Uncle Jimin prepared you food for you and your Appa. We can't wait to meet you, come meet us soon, okay."

"Jimin, that tickles." Jin giggled and tried sitting up. A frowned appeared on his face as he saw Jungkook staring at him. "Do you need something?"

"The room if you don't mind." Jungkook snaps back at him.

"Don't you see us using it?"

Jungkook didn't say anything, he wasn't with the nonsense in the morning, especially after the night he had. So he began stripping out of his shorts and underwear, making Jin scream out.

Jimin turned and looked at Jungkook, and immediately covered his eyes, "you are a real pervert, are you fucking serious?"

"I did ask for the room," Jungkook said and began walking around naked to get his towel so he could go shower.

Jin couldn't take his eyes off Jungkook in shock, Jungkook saw him and smirk, "don't drool, leave that for the baby."

He did not have to say anything more as Jin got out of bed and grabbed Jimin by his hand out of the room.


"What do you mean you are not going to school?" Jungkook stood by the dining table looking down at Jin, who was sitting around the table, finishing up the food Jimin had made for him.

Jin sighed and rolled his eyes; he wanted Jungkook to leave already, "exactly what I said, I am going to start virtual school."


"Umm, are you dumb or something, don't you see I am pregnant?"

"Is that a disability?"

Jin clenched his teeth and glared at Jungkook, "you are a real insensitive-"

"Get up. You are going to school. My child will not have a drop out as a parent." Jungkook gripped Jin by his arm and pulled him up from his chair.

Jin pushed at Jungkook only to be grabbed firmly into his arms, "I will advise you to stop, I think you should know by now your strength is no match for mine. You either get in the shower, or I will take you there myself because you are going to school. Unless the doctor says, you need to stay home; you are going to school."

Jin struggled to pull away from Jungkook, but no matter how he tried, he couldn't get free. "you are hurting my baby."

"Yeah, cause I am an idiot. Stop whining and go to the shower." Jungkook pushes Jin towards the bedroom.

As Jin got to the bathroom, he tried closing the door, but Jungkook used his foot to stop it. "I don't think so. I will stand here while you shower."

"Are you mad? I don't want you to see me naked."

"Wow, because it will be the first time."

Jin gritted his teeth and clenched his fist, "I hate you!"

"Tell me something I don't know. Now, if you are done with the dramatic whining, please get in the shower, we are already late for school."

"I am not going! You don't know the struggles I will face walking back into that place with everyone and their grandmother knowing I am pregnant. It's not you; they will be judging, but me, and I don't have the mental stability to deal with that, so for the last time, I am not going!"

Jungkook stared at Jin, "no one is going to bother you."

"Easy for you to say, you are the leader of people who bother and make my life a living hell."

"I was not the one who share-"

"Lies, lies, lies!" Jin screamed at Jungkook.

Jungkook sighed and rolled his eyes, "I hope our child is not as loud as you are."

"Don't say our; I don't like it."

"Fine, I hope my child is not as loud as you are."

"don't call her your child either!"

"I can see something is mentally wrong with you, get undress and get in the shower, and you have two minutes to do it, or I will do it for you!"

"You wouldn't dare!" As soon as the words left Jin's mouth, he took a step back as Jungkook walked towards him.

"I think recently, you have forgotten who I am." Jungkook lifted Jin's shirt and pulled it over his head, then he gripped the waistband of his shorts and pulled him towards him, pushing the shorts down his legs.

Jin was slapping Jungkook's back, but it did nothing as Jungkook lift him over his shoulder, pull the shorts and his underwear entirely off him, throwing them to the side as he brought him towards the bathtub.

In less than twenty minutes, Jin was dressed and fuming as he stood by the front door, waiting for Jungkook, who was grabbing his keys.

"I can file charges against you for harassing me and undressing me without my consent."

"Do what you need to, now grab your jacket and let's go, actually, wait." Jungkook turned towards the coat closet and pulled out one of his sweaters and threw it to Jin, "wear that."

"Eww, it smells like you," Jin said as he dropped the sweater on the floor.

"Do I need to put it on you?"

In a quick second, Jin had the sweater back in his hand, "I hate you!"


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