And I opp-

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It was a normal and peaceful day at UA high.


'Yep. This is very much considered suspicious.' I thought to myself with a wry grin as i sat down at my designated seat. I was a bit on edge that a villain attack would happen soon.

And as was everyone else, apparently...

I looked at the others, watching them fiddle anxiously. Each one of them had an apparent unease. Basic paranoia.

After all the villain attacks that have been happening at every turn and to suddenly go a whole month without one? It was suspicious. We all considered the worst.

Even aizawa and kacchan are uneasy!

It was unbearably silent. Only the scratch of granite on paper, and chalk on the board was heard. Along with the occasional cough.

And around lunch time, per our expectations, it happened. But not how you think.

It was a gradual thing, almost unnoticeable at first. The desks slowly got more transparent and were gradually disappearing in front of us all. Our chairs started to morph as well.

I was the first to notice. I gasped out loudly in surprise. Bringing every one out of their high concentration. Uraraka was about to ask what was wrong before she to noticed as well.

One by one, each of one of us noticed what was happening and and tried to act accordingly. Some tried to stand up, like i did, but we all got held down by some mysterious force.

Aizawa-sensei tried to do something as well, but a chair appeared behind him and the same force held him in a vice grip. Forcing him to sit down and watch as his students struggled.

Then the chairs begun to move. It was like a slow rollercoaster, except it everything moved individually.

We all got arranged in some way or another. Some got lifted high in the air as flooring suddenly rested beneath them. We all got moved and got moved closer together, into a pack.

Aizawa got moved to the back, behind his class.

The room also morphed. Turning into a very large four way theatre. Though it could be mistaken for a four way stadium.  Just at a smaller scale.

Like one of those game shows i saw on tv once. The stands were all the same size.

Me and my class took up the front middle of a bleacher. Then class 1B appeared as well and took the space to the left. The class with shinso was on the right. Behind us was 2A and 3A.
Behind 1B was 2B and 3B. Along with the general education course 1 through 3 on the right of us.

The UA staff along with some other pro heroes sat behind us all. All of them were wearing slightly panicked, angry and shocked expressions.

"What's happening?!" I yelled/asked the pro's, a bit panicky as well. All the other classes shouted something ineligible back. It was too far to hear. The class 3's all talked to the pro's.

I could see all might look at me. Like he wanted to ask if I was okay. I gave him a look that told him i was fine. Todoroki must've caught the exchange.

So, this will have to be treated like a game of telephone. Class 1's would be last to get the orders. All they had to do was wait.

Drowning out my classmates yelling as best I could, i decided to look around to pass the time and calm down a bit.

I noticed many things. Directly accross from the heroes was the villains. I flinched when some noticed me looking.

They glared at me like it was my fault. I looked back confused, and looked at them the same way. It didn't take long for them to understand that we both had nothing to do with this. They looked away from me.

dekuverse, but with a twist!Where stories live. Discover now