3. Another Practice

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A few days passed and each time school was over you went to the volleyball club's gym. The sight of you hanging out on the bench with your crutches was becoming commonplace.


A voice distracted you from your math homework. "Oh, hey Kiyoko. You need something?"

"Oh no," she smiled, sitting down next to you. "I just wanted to talk a little."

Your eyes lingered on her face for a second. She's pretty. "Sure. What did you want to talk about?"

"I was just curious. Have you joined a club yet?"

"A club? No, not really. I was going to join a sports club but then this-" you lifted up your broken leg "-happened and ruined my plans."

Stupid broken leg and crutches.

She tucked her dark hair behind her ear. "Did you play sports before you broke your leg?"

"Yeah. I mainly played soccer, but in my first year of middle school I played volleyball. Wasn't very good at it though so I did soccer instead."

She glanced back at the boys as a ball flew up to the second floor. "You must've been somewhat good if you got on the team though." She smiled again, at you this time.

You smiled back a little bashfully. "Well I guess.. I helped Kei with practice at home a lot, so I had a little experience."

"Was he any good in middle school?"

"His receives sucked even more than they do now, and he had this phase where he would only play if Tadashi was playing."

"Really?" Her laugh sounded through the room quietly. "That was sweet of him."

A smile made its way onto your face too as you told Kiyoko stories about Kei when he was younger and stupider.

"And there was this one time I stole his favourite dinosaur figure and he wouldn't talk to me for a month. He was so upset. Eventually our mom caught on to the whole thing and made us both apologize."

"I didn't think Tsukishima would have things like favourite dinosaur figurine." She giggled.

"Oh you have no idea." You smiled, pulling up a photo of Kei's Pokemon collection. "He also had a major Pokemon phase. He may not act like it but he's a huge nerd."

Kiyoko glanced over to the tall middle blocker, an amused look on her face. "It sounds like you two have a lot of fun."

You put your phone away, shrugging. "I mean I guess. Siblings are pretty annoying though." Especially when you have two of them.

"Oh!" She exclaimed, pulling out a clipboard. "I almost forgot what I was originally going to ask you."


"Well since you've been coming to practice for a while and you haven't joined a club. I was wondering if you wanted to try being the manager, even if only temporarily."

Being a manager? For the volleyball club? You thought for a second. You could tell Kiyoko was getting a little nervous.

"You don't have to if you don't want to, Y/N. I just figured I'd ask."

"I'll think about it." You smiled at her. It couldn't hurt, right? Besides you would be with the team anyways, so it wasn't much of a hassle.

Her face lit up and she hugged you gently. "Thank you." The captain called her over before you could say anything. "I'll talk to you later, Y/N." She let go and walked off.

You watched the team listen to a teacher for a second before they exploded into chaos.

Uh oh.

Before Hinata or Kageyama could come talk your ear off about whatever was happening, you put your earbuds in and kept doing homework.


"So the team was pretty excited earlier. What happened?" You ambled down the street on your crutches, glancing up at Kei.

He pulled his headphones down, sighing. "We got a practice match with one of the top 4 teams."

You whistled a little. "They're gonna kick your ass." He glared down at you. "Hey I'm just saying. You guys aren't exactly super great yet. Not as a team I mean."


"I mean individually you guys are pretty good. The third years work pretty well together, but the rest of you are kind of.. Uh..." You struggled to put it into words. "You're not as close to each other I guess."

".. You're an idiot. And wordy, today especially."

"Shut your face!" You snapped at him. "I'm just trying to give you advice, dumbass. Don't come crying to me when you lose."

"I won't."

There was a moment of silence where you just stared up at him.

"Lose, I won't lose." He corrected himself hastily.

You laughed a little. "Too late, messed it up." He scowled at you as you started whistling again.

The two of you walked in silence until you got to the house when you finally spoke up. "Hey, when is that practice match?"

He blinked at you. "In a few days. Why?"

"Wouldn't you like to know." You walked past him into the house, slipping your shoe off. Ignoring his confused look you went to your room.

Flopping down onto your bed you pulled out your phone and went to the group chat.

4:17 Y/N
hey, you guys play volleyball right?

4:19 Cat Boy
Yeah. Why?

4:20 Y/N
got invited to be the manager of my schools volleyball club
Dunno if Im gonna do it tho

4:20 Cat Boy
It's up to you..

4:21 Y/N
yeah, I'll think about it

You turned your phone off with a sigh. Should you become the manager?

You wracked your brain for answers for a few minutes with no results.

I can't think without food.

Getting up out of bed you snuck into the kitchen and grabbed some chips. Passing by Kei's room, you heard Tadashi's voice through the phone.

You snickered a little and went back to your room quietly.

A/N Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I wrote this one on my phone so if there are any grammar/spelling errors tell me and I'll try to fix them. Sorry that things are going kinda slow right now, they'll speed up soon.

Don't forget to comment and stuff!

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