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I just realised that I never said anything about the entrance exam, or how henka got into UA, and I probably won't do anyhting about that anymore, but if anyone reading this wants to see henka in the entrance exam thing, then tel me and I can write a flashback chapter to that or somehting.


It was a few minuets before the bell rang when henka walked into the class that thier schedule said to go to. There were already people in there, including a stiff looking guy with dark blue hair and glasses, who was yelling at the kid who Henka recognised from thier vision as the winner of the sports festival. Which was an angry looking blond boy who wasn't wearing a tie like he was supposed to, and had his feet up on a desk. There was also a really edgy looking kid, who's head looked more like a bird's than an actual persons, henka didn't really look around much after that, but instead when to close to the back of the classroom and sat down at a desk there. (Also in this, Henka is in 1a instead of mineta, so they are sitting where he would usually sit).

The bell rang soon after they sat down, and a kinda messy looking kid with green hair opened the door. But before he could go and sit down, a cute looking brunette stopped him and started talking to him. Then the angry kid started yelling and a whole bunch of shouting was heard.

Henka sighed, and put thier head on their desk and closed thier eyes. It was going to be a lot more difficult to be nice and blend in with the hero students than they had originally thought. Just as they were about to get up and tell everyone to shut up, a yellow sleeping bag appeared behind the green headed kid. They all jumped, and looked supprised as the beanbag unzipped itself to show a very tired looking guy with a capreesun. He started talking to the group at the door. Eventually they all sat down and the guy in the sleeping bag walked up to the front of the room and introduced himself as Shota Aizawa, or the underground pro hero, Eraserhead, and that he was thier teacher. He then said that they were all going outside to test thier quirk. "Good, this will show me who the strongest peopel in this class are." Henka thought, as they followed everyone to go change into thier gym clothes.

Once everyone was outside, Mr Aizawa said that this was a test to see everyone's quirks, and that the person who got last would be expelled. Everyone started freaking out at this. Mr Aizawa called on the angry looking kid, who was aparentally called Bakugo, and asked him to throw a ball as far as he could, using his quirk. He did, and it went really far, (I forgot how far it actually went, and I'm being lazy and don't wanna look it up.) Then he called on the cute brunette girl, and she threw the ball and it disappeared into the sky and the reader thing Aizawa had said it went on for infinity. "Sje must have so e sort of gravity quirk" henka thought. Next, green headed kid, who Bakugo seemed to call Deku, but everyone else called him Midoria was called up. He seemed really nervous and when he tried to throw the ball, his quirk seemed to have disappeared. (Now that whole thing of Aizaiwa talking to deku happened, but I don't wanna write that) then Midoria threw the ball again, and just as he was about to throw it, his finger started glowing green, and he three it. But after he threw it, henka noticed that the finger that had been glowing was purple looking and broken. They then realised that Midoria was the same kid from the entrance exam who had broken his arm and passed out after smashing the giant robot to save the cute brunette, who's name had been said as Uraraka. "His quork seems strong enough, but he dosent seem to have much control of it, i wonder what thats about" Henka thought. Then, in the back of thier mind, they saw that Aizawa was going to call on them next. Soon enough, they found themself being called up to throw the ball too. Now, even though thier quirk didn't give them any actual strength, they were still really strong because when they trained a lot so they would be able to run around the city without getting caught. So they threw the ball far ish, and then went back to the rest of the class, some of which seemed kinda shocked that henka had managed to throw the ball far, even though thier quirk didn't give them any physical strength.

After everyone else had gone, the class did the rest of the test that Aizawa had for them, during which henka got to see what everyone's quirks were, and who the strongest people were.

When the test was finished, they all got to see who placed what in the test. Henka saw that they had placed 7th, and that was fine with them, because they didn't want to stand out too much, but they also didn't want to be placed lower, because even though they were trying to blend in and just exist I. That class for the next three years, they were still a competitive person, and they didn't think that they would be very happy getting low scores. Then they say that Midoria had gotten last. "Thats unfourtunate" they thought. But then they took back what they had thought a minuet later, because Aizawa said that no one was getting expelled and that was just a threat to make everyone motivated to do thier best. Upon hearing this, Henka looked at Midoria, who looked so relived.

Afterwards, everyone changed back into their school uniforms and went back to the classroom.

"That was pretty sucessful" Henka thought. Because now they had a pretty good idea of who had the most potential to become powerful heroes, and now they just had to learn more about those people so that when the time came, Henka would be able to take them down.

Hii, so that's the end of this chapter, I know I kinda just repeated what happened in the anime, but the whole point of henka being at UA is so that they can learn about the future heroes, and information that most villians wouldn't be able to have access to usually. So their mostly just going to observe everyone and not try to be the best, however they do have a competitive side so they're still going to try to be more towards the top of the class. I didn't really know how to end this though, and I hope I didn't make any of this sound confusing or anything.
Bye for now,

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