Chapter 2: Something is off...

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(Y/N)'s pov (Your pov)

I woke up to the sound of that god offal alarm clock that my mom bought me. Ever since I was almost late, she bought me one. I growled and grab the alarm clock, I quickly chucked it at the window, and it went out. I heard a bird yelp, woops, sorry. I quickly got up, took a shower got on my (F/O) (Favourite outfit) that was (F/C). I quickly gathered my things, I went my bedroom door and stop for a second. I was forgetting something, what could it be? Oh! I know.

I the walk over to my writing desk where my jewellery box was. I didn't have much but, there was something I cherished so much. I open the box and pick it up. It was my bracelet (Picture above). I never really knew where it came from or how I got it. All I know was: I have always had it, and when I was a baby I had it during that time too. I slip on the bracelet and went out the door and down the steps.

I quickly grab an apple and went out the door, I didn't have time for breakfast, cause my brothers were waiting in the car for me. Once again my funny brother; Haiden, was honking the car horn. While Benjamin just rolled his eyes, and took another drag of his cigarette. I quickly hop in and we went to school.

At school....

I met up with my group. They were all siting under one of the trees, I saw how we had a new addition to the group. The guy I met yesterday; Yuso. 

"Over here, (Y/N)!" Isabelle yelled waving her hand in the air.

I quickly sat down beside Yuso, I knew my group had something to say.

"It seams, we have news about who will be attending the Arclight Championship." Adam replied, scrolling on his phone.

"Who will be attending?" Yuso ask.

"Lets see...." Adam then said taking a look at the list.

"Oh! Isabelle, you will be attending!" Adam then said. Isabelle then almost fell backwards in excitement.

"Ryder, you will also be attending!" Rider did a small grin.

"Yuso! You will be attending!" I patted him on the shoulder, and he did a closed eyed smile.

"(Y/N)! You have been chosen!" I felt excitement in my gut. My inner self was screaming in excitement, while me, was keeping it cool.

He said a few other names, then stop.

"Who is..... Hindo (H-in-dow)?" There was a long silent pause, no one knew.

"We don't know." Levi then replied. Who was this Hindo guy?

"It says he has no record of ever dualing. So.... how did he get picked?" Chase ask.

"Don't know, but he is on the list." Chase then said taking his glasses off and wiping them.

"What ever, who cares who he is. We will just have to crush him in the championships." Rider replied, taking his fist and slammed it down in his hand.

Then the bell then rang. 

Math class was boring.....

L.A class was okay.....

Art class was fun.....

Lunch was okay.... But I wondered who was this Hindo guy?

Gym was the last class of the day. We were suppose to do some running exercises. I may have not been the fastest, but I did my best. Once change and ready to start for class. I saw a new fella. The coach blew the whistle and we all went outside to the track. 

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