Your pov

I walked inside the school with Hyunjin at my side. People were staring at me, mostly guys. I felt very weird when an orange haired boy came up smacked my butt. "Nice ass sweetheart" Hyunjin turned around to punch him but I grabbed his wrist. "Not the time Hyunjin.." He glared at the orange haired boy as he took me inside.

We arrived at the teachers office and knocked on the door. A teacher opened the door. "Hello Hyunjin, oh and you must be the new student. Come on in" we walked inside and she gave me my schedule and told us too wait until the bell rang.

The bell rang and she told Hyunjin to go to class and that she'd show me to my class. As we walked there I felt awkward that I was stared at often. She took to a class and opened the door. I saw the same orange haired boy from earlier and I'm guessing his crew. One caught my attention almost instantly, his large doe eyes staring me up and down, chewing on bottom lip. It sent a shiver down my spine.

"Class this is our new student. Her name is Choi Jyoti. I hope you get along well with her. Is there an empty seat anywhere?" She looked around and pointed behind the doe eyes boy. "Right there behind jungkook okay.. you may be seated" I sighed when I heard his name. He doesn't seem that bad. As I walked to my seat jungkook and his boys along with other boys smirked at me and whistled a bit.

I sat in my seat and then I saw jungkook turn around and look at my. His eyes went from my hair and all the way down to my shoes and came back up to my eyes and he held out his hand. "Hi, names Jeon Jungkook. Nice to meet you" He had a sly smirk on his face and I kindly smiled back and shook his hand. "Hello nice to meet you too" I tried to take my hand back but he held onto it and stared straight into my soul and I stared back. 'Why does he look oddly familiar' I asked myself as I pried my hand back.

Eventually class was over and I was packing my things when the only people left were me, jungkook and his boys. I stood up when jungkook grabbed me pulling me into his lap and touching on my thigh and whispered into my ear, audible enough so his boys could hear. "This year is going to be fun with you Jyoti" His voice pierced my my mind as I got up and walked away from him and his friends. They shortly followed behind when Hyunjin came up to me and wrapped his arm around my neck. "So how was your first class" I looked up at him. "The teacher sat me behind jungkook and he turned around in his seat and shook my hand and then the orange haired one named Jimin kept trying to touch me... I felt weird" Hyunjin stopped me in the middle of the hallway and his eyes widened. "She set you with the bangtan boys seriously.. get a schedule change now..." I rolled my eyes. "Dude I'll be fine don't worry so much" I could see out the corner of my eyes jungkook standing with his friends at his locker and her was glaring at me and Hyunjin. "I don't trust him you're like a little sister to me all cute and so so sweet" He grabbed my cheeks a bit and squished them, I swatted his hands away which caused him to laugh. "Let's just get you to your next class okay.." He ruffled my hair and he showed me my next class and patted my back before taking off to his class across from it.

I walked inside greeting the teacher she smiled at me and I sat in the far back by the window. I then felt an unwanted presence in front of me sit down. "Hey Jyoti. Who was that you were talking too?" You looked at him with a blank expression. "Why does that matter.." The black haired boy named taehyung chuckled. "Oouu~ spicy" you rolled your eyes and sighed. "What do you want.." jungkook sighed himself. "To answer my question.." your glaring eyes pierced right through him. "He's my best friend since birth now leave me alone.."

After a minutes of silence all I can hear is my music until I feel my earbud being ripped out of my ear and I know exactly who the annoying culprit is. Jeon Jungkook...  I turn my head to look at him and he had a smile on his dopey face. "What do you want jungkook" he took a deep breath before answering. "Hmm what do I want, well I want you plain simple.. you seem uh.. nice~" he licked his lip then biting it. His friend chuckled as they each looked me up and down. I saw jungkook stand up and walk over to me and he stood very close to where his crotch was against my arm, I rolled my eyes and looked up at him. "Listen here Jeon... I don't know what game your playing but just so you know... I don't like it now back the fuck off before I hurt you" his friends started laughing and he leaned his head back chuckling and then got eye  level with me and smirked.

"Oh damn.. so cute and hot all at the same time" he looked at my lips and licked his again. "Baby girl loosen up.. okay because I won't stop until I get you understand.." I got up grabbing my bag and my phone and started walking out of the classroom and I heard the male teacher yelling behind me to come back and I walked to the roof of the building.

-Jungkooks pov-

I followed her out of the classroom and stayed a bit behind her a bit. I can't deny the fact that I find her attractive, she's so curvy and that uniform fits her just right.

Hellooo yes I know this chapter is long. But to see what happens on the roof. Stay tuned in.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2020 ⏰

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