*3 * Handshakes and oH NOT AGAIN-

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Upon arriving back at Twelve, Grimmauld Place, Nico found himself having a multitude of extra time. Which is quite handy when you're in a world that you know hardly anything about.

Nico ended up using the time waiting for the Weasley's to return, by reading up on wizarding law– the Ministry and it's moral values were quite astounding. He'd also found out that Sirius was a convicted felon, but Nico found that he held little ill will towards this fact, seeing as he had killed multiple ghosts and people. Minos was a dick, anyway. He spent the rest of his time sleeping, regaining some energy back from shadow-traveling.

Around forty-five minutes later, the group Nico left in Diagon Alley busted through the doors, Mrs. Weasley in the lead. The bustling of the plump woman woke Nico up from his slumber. She sported a frown and looked as if steam was going to come out of her ears.

The demigod quietly chuckled at Mrs. Weasley's face, nose wrinkling in amusement, "Took you all long enough," Nico remarked.

A fuming Ron strutted up to Nico, finger out in an accusatory manner. "You... You– UGH! What the bloody hell even are you?!" Shouted the red-head.

Nico shrugged, causing Ron to let out a groan of frustration. Nico again shrugged at his fury then lifted himself off the leather sofa, turning to face Mrs. Weasley. "Are we going to school now? I already packed my bags."

Mrs. Weasley closed her eyes in irritation, a deep frown on her face. "Nico, dearie, we just got back. None of us have packed yet," The red-head explained.

Nico nodded at the obvious statement, "Yeah, and? You guys are wizards, can't you just... magically pack it?" He asked. Mrs. Weasley sighed, attempting to speak only to be interrupted by Hermione:

"Wait, why did you say it like that?" The girl questioned. Nico's face faltered for a moment, "Er... like what?"

Hermione scoffed, "You referred to us like you aren't a wizard, yourself." Her eyebrows knitted. Nico felt his palms sweat, but feigned nonchalance, "Obviously, I didn't mean it like that."

The witch narrowed her eyes in suspicion, nose scrunched up in disbelief, "Yeah... sure." Nico raised his eyebrows at the girl, her response being a huff.

The Son-of-Hades repeated his question once more, Mrs. Weasley went into such an in-depth explanation that by the time she was done, all the children had come down with their things.

"Ah, seems we've all gotten our things together. 'Hope that answered your question, Nico." Mrs. Weasley finally ended her rant-ish explanation, letting out a breath of air. Nico nodded while his eyes scanned everyone's luggage.

"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley. Lets get this going, shall we?"


Nico had done a lot of strange things. He'd had a crush on a boy that he was supposed to hate; he'd convinced his father to help tip-the-scales of the second Titan War; he'd shadow traveled himself and a giant statue; he'd even survived Tartarus itself. But running head-first through a hard-stone brick wall, hard enough that it would most likely give him a head-throbbing concussion? That was a new variation of weird.

The confused boy switched his gaze between Mrs. Weasley the looming brick wall in front of him. Mrs. Weasley had a patient expression, probably used to the reoccurring explanation, seeing the amount of children she had had. The brick wall, on the other hand, was red and white. It had a few cracks in the architecture but stood tall with years of age.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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