♥ Part 7 ♥

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Ask: Have you ever switched your clothes? (Cuphead and Mugman)

Cuphead: Hey boss!

Mugman: Hey, boss!

Dice and Devil looked at the two with glances filled with confusion, while (Y/n) giggled a bit.

Ask: King Dice, have you already surprised Cuphead doing something naughty?

King Dice was pulling a card out of his sleeve, just as Cuphead was about to walk by. The cup saw Dice's actions.


Dice: Uh, umm, it's not what you think!

Ask: KING DICEEEE CAN I HAVE A HAND KISS? I think you are so elegant.

Dice: You'll have to earn it, darling.

(Y/n): Things don't come for free in the devil's casino~.

Ask: Hey, how come everyone else can hear us but only (Y/n) can hear Adam.

(Y/n): Let me explain. While with your asks you legally break the forth wall, Adam's commentary breaks it illegally. It isn't supposed to break it, only the people watching should hear it. But since I'm... Well, you, I can hear his commentary. Understand now?

Ask: Hey KD, (Y/n) question, what is your opinion on Cuphead and Mugman working with ya and the other staff members?

Dice: When they first showed their mugs here askin' for a job, I thought they went insane! Thought boss would set em in fire right then and there.

(Y/n): N he almost did, but turns out he had 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐬. But overtime they proved to be quite hardworking and useful.

Dice: Fun to mess with. Fun to have around. And they managed to annoy Wheezy pretty well.

Ask: I like that the Devil has a little crown on his horn 😍

Devil: Heh... It's uhh... (N/n) gave it to me to help me mend my horn after it fell off. Don't need it no more but I like it, so I'm keeping it. Alas, it's one of the only gifts I have left from them..

(Y/n): Aw, bro-bro! Never knew you were such a softie!

Devil: Whatever ya, little tease!

Ask: King Dice, do you enjoy teaching the bros card tricks?

Dice: I only teach Mugman, and well... guess it's a nice way to pass the time. I know he'll find it useful.

Mugman accidentally shot the deck of cards at Dice's face.

Dice: Ok... That's enough for today...

Ask: So wait, in a previous ask, Mugs blushed when asked about liking Cala Maria. Mugman, are you crushing on the sweet mermaid lady? Does Cuphead know?

Mugman: Yeah... I'll never forget how she turned me into stone with that gaze... and then tried to drown me... She's a wonder...

Cuphead: UGH, didn't you crush on like, a BUNCH of the people we fought?

Mugman: Mostly just my wonderful fish lady...


VOAdam: I'll never forget how she turned me into stone with that glaze, glaze?! That glaze! She turned me into a donut!

(Y/n) slightly snickered.

VOAdam: ?! How do you keep on hearing me?!

(Y/n): I have no reason or rhyme to what I do, I just do.

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