Maybe It's Just Harry Styles

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The sun is beating down on Louis' back, sand between his toes, waves gently ebbing in and out on the pebbled shore, and the most gorgeous man he's ever laid eyes on, right in front of him. This is life. This is real. Louis smiles to himself. A couple of days ago he was in London, looking out over grey buildings and wondering where it had all gone wrong, and now he's here, with Harry, teaching a bunch of kids how to surf.

"Harry! Look! I did it!" Maddie shouts gleefully. She's standing on her board having just managed to snap up from laying down into a standing position, arms outstretched, knees bent, exactly as Harry had shown her.

"Maddie that's awesome. Well done. High five!" Harry crouches down, offering his palm up high and the little girl jumps and smacks it hard.

When Harry had said Louis could help, he thought that would involve him sitting on the beach while Harry taught the class, but as he's coming to find out, everything associated with Harry is unexpected, and also rather wonderful.

"Louis! Louis look at me. I'm a surfer dude." Beckett does a hang ten with his fingers as he waves his arms around.

"Mate," Louis draws out the word, "you're going to be riding those waves in no time. Good job!"

Louis feels Harry's eyes on him and he glances up. Harry might have sunglasses on but his wide smile and raised eyebrows give away the softness in his expression. Louis pokes out his tongue and Harry laughs with a full body roll and a shake of his head before returning his attention to the class.

"Right!" Harry claps his hands together. "Who's ready to head out into the waves?!"

Six hands shoot up in the air, Harry and Louis joining in and making it eight. "Alright then, grab your boards like we practiced," Harry says as he helps Maddie to pick up her board, tucking it under her arm. "Now, everyone check to make sure their leg ropes are secure and lets go!"

The kids dutifully tug on the ropes and Louis notices that Beckett's has come off, so he drops down to his knees on the sand and reattaches the velcro strap. "There ya go, buddy. All set." Louis gives him the thumbs up and pats him on the shoulder.

Harry jogs down towards the shore and shouts back over his shoulder at Louis. "This is where it gets really fun!"

Louis giggles and takes off, sand kicking up behind him, his flip flops long discarded. The kids follow suit, some dragging, more than carrying, their mini-boards. All Louis can hear are squeals of delight as they venture out into the shallow water on the edge of the sand. It's utter chaos and utterly brilliant.

The water is only up to Louis' shins, gentle waves breaking up to his knees, pulling and pushing the boards, but for the kids, it must seem massive. They shriek and cackle and scream out to each other and to Harry and Louis, desperate for them to watch them, hold their boards, or help them catch a wave into the shore.

Harry is a natural with the grommets, as is the customary term for little surfers Louis has learned, and they crave his attention like air. Louis can relate.

The kids hoot and holler and wave to their parents, some standing safely further up on the beach, while others are braving the water, standing ankle deep and snapping photos on their phones.

A slightly larger wave catches Louis by surprise as he's helping Beckett to steady his board and they topple over into the crystal clear water, Louis landing on his arse and cackling as Beckett tries to pull him up. Louis drags him down instead and the boy squawks in delight.

He looks over to see Harry and Maddie laughing at them and Harry's fond is so strong that it takes Louis' breath away.

After thirty minutes, they're all exhausted and drag themselves out of the ocean, collapsing on the beach to catch their breath.

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