Chapter 4

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"Umm... Do you know what my dad would want to talk about?" Andrea asked Lester,

It took almost a minute for Lester to respond. Though he knew the answer, he decided to lie,

"I have no idea," 
Andrea was disappointed because she thought that since Lester is close to her father, he'd know what her dad would want to talk about. She is not prepared to talk to her dad because of what happened yesterday. Imagining her dad scolding her about it is making her nervous from head to toe. Lester knew that Andrea is nervous so he decided to talk,

"Relax, no father would ever eat their daughter for having a suitor," Andrea blushed and answered,

"Who said that I have a suitor?!" Lester laughed because of the view he's seeing, Andrea. What others may see is Andrea denying things but for Lester, he sees a feisty kitty who's fighting for food. 

Andrea felt relax now and Lester felt good about that. And they waited until they arrived to the camp. She stepped down the car while Lester is holding the door for her, and she saw and heard trainees who are talking in the background,

"Is the Major General that gentleman?" says the other,

"Wow, I've never seen him beside a woman before," says another

"Hush, that's the General's daughter pea brain ," says the other

Andrea felt shocked to know that, in her thoughts

"Lester has never been with a girl before? He's young, handsome and outstanding, how come he's never been with a girl?"

Andrea run wild until she actually thought of the last idea she should eve think of,

"Or maybe... He's... Gay?"

Andrea giggled for a bit, Lester saw this and asked her,

"What are you laughing about?"

"Nothing, I just thought of the most funny idea in the world,"  Andrea answered

"And what is that?" Lester asked,

"Since people say that you've never been with a girl..." Lester was surprised about what she said and waited for Andrea to finish he answer,

"... Could it be that... Major General is... Into males?"

Lester froze and Andrea saw Lester's reaction, which lead her to a wrong conclusion. Andrea started laughing, Lester pulled her into a tent and pushed her against a pole,

"You dare think I'm gay? Would you like me to prove to you my manhood?" Andrea blushed with what he said and even more when he blew near her neck,

"Andrea, don't jump too quickly on such conclusion, you're making me crave. By the way, you smell nice," Andrea's eyes widened and pushed Lester away,

"L-Lester! Let's just go to my dad," Lester gave out a smirk and stepped out the tent, Andrea followed him and went to her dad's quarters. On the way there, both of them are silent, but there's a big difference on their facial expressions. Andrea looks like embarrassed and her cheeks are blushing while Lester's looks are calm with a smile on his face.

They've arrived at her dad's quarters, Lester knocked and opened the door, 

"General, your daughter is here," 

Andrea walked inside only to see her dad angry, 

"Lester, you may stay outside first," the General ordered, Lester walked out and shut the door,

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