《⚡️ One ⚡️》

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Denki Kaminari was probably in the worst state he'd ever been in.

He'd woken up way too late, having missed his alarm, and now he was rushing through the halls with Iida karate chopping the back of his head. Telling him not to run while still hurrying...Kaminari loved Iidad, he did, but he was about to punch him in the face. His legs burned from moving so fast while still walking, taking big strides as he struggled to sort out his bag as well. By the time they reached the classroom, he was more exhausted than he was before.

"Aizawa Sensei! I have retrieved Kaminari from the dorms," Iida says, chopping the air.

"Thank you, Iida." Aizawa sighs, as Denki slinks into his seat. "Kaminari, I trust this won't happen again. This is the second time, which is already two times too many. Another slip up like this will not be tolerated. Clean up your act if you want to continue going to UA." Aizawa's eyes narrow and Kaminari flinches. He bows his head.

"Sorry, Mr. Aizawa," he mumbled, as quiet snickers rang out through the classroom.

Kaminari had never wanted to die more in his life.

Class flew by faster than it should have. Normally he would be grateful, but he didn't understand a single word that had fallen out of Aizawa's mouth. He was sluggish and slow in training, stumbling and tired. His reflexes really just decided to duck out on him for the day, seeing as he was met with an explosion to the face. He didn't really do well against Bakugou, but he especially sucked this time. Mr. Aizawa talked to him afterwards, telling him how he needs to get proper rests and heroes can't afford slip ups, so forth....

He didn't eat at lunch, the food looking unappetizing to him. His friends chattered and laughed next to him at the table, but didn't bother to notice he was there. Not until Kirishima asked him a question, and his brain was so fuzzy all he could do was stare at him. Mina poked his face with her nail, causing him to flinch.

"Sheesh, Kami. You barely used your quirk today and you've already short circuited!" She laughed, as Kaminari stared sadly at her. His friends didn't know the weight of their words, and what it did to him. But if course he wouldn't say anything. Sometimes it was better to be quiet.

But he was unaware of green eyes focused onto him for the rest of the day. Eyebrows furrowed, the person watched him quietly work in English class, and looked down at the paper they were grading. His paper.

Kaminari's grades were dropping. He in general was dropping.

The figure hummed to themself, writing a note in red pen.

See me after school!

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