what do u guys want

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so I have many tomxreader Oneshot ideas, series ideas and stuff but can u guys pls comment what type of lover do u want tom to be in my imagines and pls feel free to message and request any imagine ideas

types of people: lovers ❤︎

the snuggler - just wants cuddles on a daily basis, comforts their partner with the warmest hugs and the softest kisses, loving and endearing looks, cuddling on the sofa or bed, naps together and waking up in each other's arms, sleepy 'i love you's, date nights indoors, sharing blankets

the affectionate one - not to be confused with the snuggler, loves to snuggle but also so much more, constant surprise hugs and kisses, public affection but not so much, kisses on the cheek or temples in greeting or goodbye, spontaneous pecks on the noses, fun-loving and just wants to love

the keeper - always knows what to do for their partner, surprise visits and surprise dates that are always worth it, even the parents love them, holds hands to keep them warm, dancing along to music at home, sometimes will share food, always patient and ready for their partner to come back to them

the caregiver - takes care of you constantly, sends good morning and good night texts every day, feeds their partner all the time, knows what to do when their partner is sick, massages and soothing words, constant compliments and phrases of validation, may cook with or for their partner and taste tests with

the best friend - the most comfortable and the most fun, laughing too hard at inside jokes until tears come, knowing better than anyone, the most supportive of passions and interests, promises to never drift apart, silly antics, teasing each other, being fiercely in love

the protective one - gets kind of jealous easily, only has eyes for their partner and hopes the same in return, kind of clingy but just wants attention, will do anything for their partner, fights off anyone and anything just for them, the safest hugs and the warmest hearts, is always the one lending clothes

the sensual one - the best kisser, up close and personal, warm eyes and warm body heat, lingering touches, softly spoken promises, fun-loving and risky, knows just the right things to say, fond looks, sly smiles, teasing personality, nighttime dates over daytime dates

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