You've been sleeping like forever

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            Streams of sunlight fell through the thick wall of trees, filling up every space between the leaves with warm, sugary light. The rays tumbled down strands of grass, which gleamed with remains of the morning dew. The sky has ripened from a fresh orange colour into a pale blue. Wisps of white clouds stood unmoving. They were so thin, they appeared to be stray brush marks on blue canvas or traces of powdered sugar on a baker's azure countertop.

 As Tom slept peacefully little feet slapped against the wood floors heading his direction. A soft giggle emits from her pink lips as she grasps the blankets and pulls herself up onto his sleeping figure. The disturbance still isn't enough to pull him from his sleep.

"Daddy!" He little child-like whisper which isn't actually quite. She grabs his cheeks in her little hands and squishes them around as she plants a large strawberry on his chin. That's finally enough. Tom stirs and chuckles as his eyes adjust to his messy-haired little girl.

"Good morning sweetheart." He exclaims as he pulls her to his chest tightly. "When did you get up." She flops onto her back and squeals as he tickles her sides.

"Hours ago daddy! You've been sleeping like  forever!" She exasperates holding a dramatic hand to he head.

"Forever really?" Tom asks sarcastically as he sits up and grabs the remote to turn on some cartoons as she discovers her way to his side and snuggles up to it with a nod. Her  little thumb finds its way to her mouth as she settles beside him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2020 ⏰

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