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(y/n) sat peacefully on her couch, taehyung's head laying in her lap as they decided what to do for the day, however (y/n) was just happy she wasn't alone anymore.

"so what should we do" namjoon spoke, sitting on the floor since he arrived last. jungkook hummed, thinking about what they could do.

(y/n) had her eye closed, running her fingers through taehyung's hair. "we could just watch a movie."

"im okay with that." hoseok agreed with (y/n), everyone agreed with her idea. (y/n) stopped running her fingers through taehyung's hair for a moment, causing him to whine, she quickly grabbed the remote next to her and thew it lightly at jungkook. "you pick the movie."

running her fingers through taehyung's hair again, he smiled peacefully as jungkook began to scroll through her netflix. he gasped, causing nearly everyone in the room to look at him. "you watched the kissing booth without me?!"

(y/n) just nodded, to tired for his shit. "too bad, you'll live, now pick a damn movie before taehyung and i fall asleep." taehyung laughed lightly.

jungkook grumbled before scrolling through movies, most had their opinions on the
movies as jungkook scrolled through the selection they had. finally he and the others had agreed on parasite (i know its not on netflix but let me live).

during the movie (y/n) had fallen asleep on yoongi's shoulder, taehyung also had fallen asleep on (y/n)'s lap. yoongi smiled and blushed lightly once (y/n) fell asleep on him. leaning into her, he began to fall asleep.

slowly everyone began to fall asleep during the movie or soon after it ended, causing a small cuddle puddle to happen.

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