The Joy of Creative Living

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With eyes fixed on the goal, to strive on in the present, becoming the architect of the future, is 'Creative Living'. ~ Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda

Often our mind wanders and dwells on regrets of the past - "Maybe I shouldn't have left that hobby" or rushes into the anxieties of the future - "What will happen if I am not able to achieve this?"

This as we have experienced, robs the mind of its energy and creativity. For the past is gone - all we have to take from it are lessons. Our regrets are actually consequences of our own actions - that we cannot undo now. What lies in our hands is to not repeat those actions again. Once we are able to accept this - the present will open up in all its glory.

The future is unseen. We have the building blocks of that future in our own hands. So why not make the best of our abilities, gently conquer our fears and continue doing what we love?

And this takes time. It needs us to be alert, to get the mind back consciously to the present every time it wanders. So be patient but disciplined. This I too have learnt. :)

To be alive every moment, to be alive to every moment - this is the glory of Life!

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