Year one: Detention

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Things couldn't have been worse. They followed Filch down to Professor McGonagall's study on the first floor, without saying a single word to one another. The caretaker had left them under the observant eyes of his beloved Mrs Norris, while he himself hurried to the Greenhouses to wake Professor Sprout. YN sank in her seat with a sight. Her mind was blank. No excuses, no alibis, no wild cover-up stories. There was no way of getting out of this. She poked at the piece of cake she was carrying all the way here. She could have stayed at the party. She would have given anything now to be sitting in front of the fireplace, playing a muggle game. She even lied to Ernie! The first person to welcome her at the Hufflepuff table. The one who came up with the whole birthday party idea by himself! For what? She wasn't even sure either Harry nor Hermione remembered her birthday....

'Where were you?!' Hermione half whispered, still trembling in her seat. Harry glanced YN's way, also eager to hear her excuse.

'We-well I-'

'And what's with the cake?' Harry's voice was much more gentle.

'Oh... well, it's from my birthday party... I didn't know it was happening... I had to tell Ernie something so I used taking some cake up the Hospital Wing for Ron as my excuse..' YN fiddled with her fingers.

'Who the.. Who's Ern-'

'It's your birthday?' Harry leaned her way, she finally looked up and nodded.

'I'm sorry, YN. I completely forgot-'

And just when they thought things couldn't have been worse, Professor McGonagall appeared in a dressing gown and a hairnet, leading Neville. YN had never seen her so angry before. Her moth was a thin line, she looked as if she would breathe fire the instant she opened her mouth, which was ironic considering this whole thing was caused by a dragon-

'Harry! I was trying to find you to warn you, I hear Malfoy saying he was going to catch you, he said you had a drag-' Neville burst out and Harry violently shook his head to shut him up. YN was certain Professor McGonagall's observant eyes didn't miss it.'

'I would never have believed it- Up in the Astronomy tower- It's one in the morning! Explain yourselves." She demanded glancing between the four, but they were out of words.

'I think I've got a good idea of what's been going on. You fed Draco Malfoy some cock-and-bull story about a dragon, trying to get him out of bed and into trouble-'

YN looked up dumbfounded. What did Draco have to do with this?

The door swung open, the caretaker's nasty grin appeared, followed by none other than the Head of the Hufflepuff house herself. Professor Sprout certainly had the look of being awakened just moments ago. She was wearing a dressing gown, her hair as flyway as ever without her patched hat. Looking distinctly disgruntled, not at all her usual cheerful self. The look she gave YN when their eyes met, was pure and utter disappointment.

'Pomona,' Professor McGonagall said almost disgusted 'Five students out of bed in one night! In the dead of the night! I've never heard of such thing before!' She continued on addressing both Hermione and Harry, as Professor Sprout stepped closer to the only Hufflepuff.

'I was hoping you had learned a thing or two after that troll incident... Hard for me to admit, but it seems Nymphadora's inability to behave herself must have rubbed off on you...'

'Professor,' Hermione spoke up 'YN had nothing to do with this! She wasn't even on the Astronomy tower. She was on her way to the Infirmary.' Harry and YN exchanged glances. Hermione was at it again. Only this time, she was using YN's own lie.

'She though poor Ron would appreciate a piece of her birthday cake.' Professor McGonagall glanced at the piece of cake in front of her.

'Is this true' Asked Professor Sprout. YN simply looked back at the floor.

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