PART 7 (forced or willing)

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Jimin pov~

Today..... Today is the day that everyone is awaited. But not to me also to Minseo.

And another one, for SooYoung. Date for today is, 21st September 2019.

I'm sigh. Im get prepared from house. Minseo will get prepared at hall fitting room. I'm will go to her for a minute before the event start.

I'm wonder how her expression about today.

Minseo pov~

"Okay miss, please smile. If you smile, you look so beautiful." The stylist said to me. I'm make a fake smile.

After she put the crown on my head, she leave me alone. My eyes start teary. Today, is the worst day for me. Mostly.

What should I do? This is what I want after back here? Some people will think 'why you being so worried? You just get married someone you know from child.'

What I'm worried now is, SooYoung. She's very love Jimin. I know that from her expression. Suddenly, someone get in the room..

That's Jimin. "Minseo ah, are you ready for our..." I'm standing up. "Can leave me alone for a while Mr. Park. I will get out with my dad." I'm closed the door and crying.

Why my life so messing?? I'm sit on the couch for a while and take a deep breath. "Minseo ah, are you ready?" My dad calling me. "Yes dad." I'm take my flower and open the door.

"Are you okay?" I'm smile to my dad. Yes, I'm still angry to him but, he's my dad. I don't need to angry to him for long.

When we both walk in the hall, everyone looks so happy to see me. Some of them, said I'm beautiful, some of them praised Jimin.

Me and my dad walk through to the stage where is Jimin waiting for me. I can see his smile. I don't know what's a meaning of that smile. Maybe..  happy, or just fake smile.

"Jimin ah, please take care of Minseo yah~" my dad whisper to him. He nodded and smile to my dad.


"Park Jimin, will you being with your wife forever even she's sick or she's poor? Will you be her good husband in her life?"

I'm waiting for Jimin answer.


*Sigh* *look down and back to father*

"Park Minseo, will you being with your husband forever even he's sick or he's poor? Will you be his good wife in his life?"

Everyone is waiting my answer. I can feel a pressure on my shoulder.



Both of you can kiss. *Applause*

After the weeding, Jimin take me to his house.

"Minseo, you can take a rest in our..." I'm cut his words.

"Jimin, can I get another room? Sorry for saying like this, but... I need a time to accept this new life." I'm smile.

"W..why.. okay.. I'll be respect to your decision. You can take any room in this house. If..  you wanna see me or say something, my room is always open for you." He smile and leave me at living room.

*Sit on the sofa and lend my body on it.*

'tired.' I saw Jimin family's picture. I walk to them and look at the photos.

"Nice.." *smile.*

"Ahh,... So many things.." I take my luggage and bring it to my room. Jimin saw it. "You wanna me help you?"-jimin

"Yeah, sure."-me.

He help to bring my luggage. "Ah! Thanks for helping me. I think my family is kick me out from their house." We both laugh. And take a look each other.

*Clear throat*. "Ahh, I need to change my clothes." I'm walking to the room and close the door.

After a week we are getting married, we are still act like strangers even at the home.

"Jimin ssi. You wanna eat something? I would like to make some cake." He walk towards the kitchen. "Cake? What cake?" He asking.

"Erm.. chocolate cake? You wanna try?" Jimin raised his eyebrows and smile. "Okay."

"Start when you can make a cake?" He smiling again. "Since I've move to Liverpool. My cousin at there very love to make a dessert and I learned from them." I'm tell the story.

"Oh, you wanna me help you something? Maybe I can learn something from you this time?" Jimin about to take a flour and suddenly, he dropping the packet of flour on the floor.

"Jimin ssi, what are you doing?" He standing like statue. "So..sorry.. I didn't mean to..." He shocked hen I'm out a flour on his face.

"Minseo ah, how dare you.." he like wanna put the flour on me and I'm running first before he do that.

After we are running around of the house, we are getting tired. "Okay. Enough. Let's be serious this time." We clean the house and start to make a cake.

End of the part.

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