the one with the plot

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-Ah, the delightful feeling you get when you enter your high school's corridor and see a new hot nerd ready for the girls to take him one by one, until they all get overpowered by the strong popular banshee and prom queen Lydia Martin, the one Stiles was pining over since the 3rd grade, and there she was, hunting her new prey, aka Stiles' twin brother, Stuart Stilinski.

What a shame it's gonna be when they discover that they will be left standing to fight for the lovely Redhead!

-Get your head out of your ass, Stuart! She's strawberry blonde, not a redhead. And she wasn't checking you out, she isn't even looking at you.

- Whatever, Stiles, at least one of us is thinking reality!

- What does that mean?!

- Oh come on! Like you actually like her! I see the way you look at him! And from my experience, not any guy knows a discrete difference of ginger and "strawberry blonde"!

- Are you implying that I'm gay? Also, the color patterns are not for everyone but that doesn't automatically make me gay, I can tell the difference!
Plus, I look at Derek in a way a friend looks at another friend!

-Stiles, I never said his name...

And there goes the first conversation that the Stilinski twins had in the corridor of BHHS, whilst the strawberry blonde goddess was indeed checking them out! Targeting them, but not for a hook-up or anything. She was hunting for her gay best friend.

Let's see what the future beholds!

the Stilinski twins AUWhere stories live. Discover now