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Third person pov

Detective polibio went to Hospital Mercy Grace to get Rachel's address since she wasn't answering his calls He decided to show up to her house.

Nurse- here is the address Mr. Cosentino gave us

She hands Detective Polibio a paper with Rachel's Address

Detective Polibio- by any chance has Ms. Rachel mention a Red Van ?

Nurse- not that I recall

Detective Polibio nods and heads out the hospital

He gets in his car and puts the address in his GPS And drives to the house.

A few minutes later he arrived to the house.

It was a decent house

Detective polibio got out his car and knocked on the door

An old lady opened the door

Lady- how can I help you?

Detective polibio- hi I'm detective polibio and I'm looking for Rachel Lopez

Lady- I'm sorry I think you have the wrong address

Detective polibio- thank you, sorry for bothering you

He gets in his car and looks at the address the Nurse gave him

It was the same address he put in the GPS

Then it came to his senses that Kairi gave the hospital the wrong address

Did he mean to give the nurse the wrong address?

Or did he do it on purpose?

Either way Detective polibio was going to do everything in his power to find out what's going on.

A/n- hiiiii hope you like it.
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More drama coming up

Words- 245

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