6. Calvin

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HOLY MOLY, Thank you so much for 1K reads!!! I'm speechless, no words can describe me how grateful I am to every one of you. Thank you for all the votes and feedback, it meant so much to me!

Anyway, how about Noah Centineo for Calvin?;) 

The next day, he picked me up and we went to his home to train. It turned out that the house was bigger than I imagined. He had a gym, equipped with a fighting ring. There is also swimming pool, game room, a large fountain in front of the house, an extensive park, with garden of various colours of roses as well. Wow, I was completely blown away.

As time went by, we became closer. Since Calvin learned self defense way before me, it's obvious that his level is far above mine. He was the one who taught me if the teacher was unable to attend. I was always amazed to see how he demonstrated those moves. No wonder he won against the three people who kidnapped me. His method of teaching was also very easy to understand and follow.

I also introduced Cal to  Mel. The first reaction I saw on her face was the appearance of clearly visible red tinge on her cheek. Whenever we were together, her gestures became more obvious that she has huge crush on him. Since then, we often hung out, done many food tours, and many more. Calvin always sponsored and treated us to meals every time we went out. He was the one who insisted even though we both refused to be treated constantly.

Our friendship continued. Time flew so fast it's hard to believe we all have been friends for years. I have started school at Bakti Nusa Junior Highschool. I always told Calvin how I won against the bullies. Usually, he always smiled proudly and patted my head in praise. And just a little thing like that made me incredibly happy. I felt a lot of butterflies in my stomach every time he did that.

For some reason, making him proud of me and noticed how strong I have become were one of the things that mattered so much to me. Every achievement—no matter big and small, I always reported to him. I made it my life mission to gain all his praises and proud look. He became someone I admire and respect. Apart from being my best friend, he was the mentor that I always worked hard to make proud.

However, behind every happiness I received at that time, there was a transparent price I had to pay. Since I got enrolled into Bakti Nusa JHS, mama started coming home late at night, or not coming home at all. The seldom she came home, the closer I get to Cal. Or you could say, I brought myself closer—or was he the one who drew closer? I had no idea. But Calvin can tell, he can see this gloomy darkness I hid deeply. He always offered me to stay at his place every time mom didn't come home.

Because of our closeness, I unconsciously opened myself as wide as possible to him. Even the things I locked tight, I can release them so easily. I confided a lot of things that I couldn't tell anyone, even Melisha. Being near him made me comfortable to share my joys and to let go of sorrow. I pour my merriment and anguish to this person. Including my sorrow on mama who always came home late, or when she's not coming at all, my absentee father whose whereabouts were still unknown, and more.


"Oh shoot, dead again," he sighed irritably. This was the countless attempts he had repeated the game many times, but  he still couldn't pass this level.

This afternoon, the two of us were playing games in the game room of his house. This room was equipped with PS3, XBOX360, gaming PC, traditional games, as well as western comics and mangas. Today we decided to take a day off from our usual practice. He asked me to play PS, but I refused because I'm not into playing PS games. Currently, he's playing The Last of Us, while I just read the manga that was lying on the floor.

Lately, I wasn't interested in doing anything. My mood fluctuated easily. I get tired quickly and always felt sluggish. Mama also rarely came home. Again. I tried to understand because she worked hard for me after all. Must she not come home often? Melisha's dad came home every day. Other students' parents always accompany them to study, take them to school and pick them up, come to parent meetings, and were always there when their children need them. Why couldn't she?

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