2 Escape Plan

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(Bakugo's POV)

I back away from Deku and sit down on the bed. I sigh and put my head in my hands.

"Kacchan? That's you right? What are you doing here?" Deku asks as his gaze falls back down to the floor.

I think for a moment, clicking my tongue, and then respond, "Yeah, it's me Deku. And the real question is, what are YOU doing here? I haven't seen you since middle school, and if my memory serves me, you've been missing for three years now. How did you end up here?"

"Boss wouldn't like me to talk about that. I'll g-get in trouble if I do..." Deku's voice trails off and he begins to mutter to himself incoherently.

I stand up and walk to Deku, standing in front of him. I pull out my hero ID and show it to him. Deku looks between me and the ID with sparkling eyes. He goes to speak, but I cut him off. "I'm here on a mission. I have reason to believe that the 20 missing omegas are being kept here, and now that I see you, that makes 21 missing omegas found..." I trail off a little and reach into my pocket for the receiver. I turn it on but the thing glitches, there's no signal in here. I click my tongue. "Deku, I'm going to help you and the others get out of here. I have back-up waiting not far away, but I need a signal to tell them to engage. I need you to confirm something, got it Deku? How many omegas are there in this facility?"

Deku hesitates for a minute, but I see hope sparkling in his eyes, "As you said, there are 21 of us omegas. Other than that, there are always at least 5 alphas and 3 betas on duty at all times to ensure that we don't escape. But, if you're here to help, then we might stand a chance... I want to help," Deku says. He seems confident in his abilities, and I hate to admit it, but I'm going to need his help.

We both sit on the bed and flesh out a plan. With my explosion quirk, I'm going to set off the fire alarms. Deku is going to round up all of the omegas and get them all in one area. He's going to pretend to still be faithful to Akira's Den. I'm going to make my way back downstairs in the meantime, and as soon as I have a signal I'm going to alert the back-up. Then it will just be a matter of fighting off the alphas and betas in order to secure the omegas' freedom.

Now it's time for execution...

(Deku's POV)

I pull off my bunny ears and a few other small pieces of clothing from me, throwing them around the room. We want it to look like we were getting started to avoid suspicion for as long as possible. I nod at Kacchan and stand a little ways away. He activates a small amount of his quirk. Not enough to make a loud noise, but enough to form smoke. Soon enough the fire alarms started to go off and the sprinklers went off too. Kacchan grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room where we were met by Akira and one of the other alphas on duty.

Akira pointed at me, "Get your ass moving and make sure all the omegas are okay. Koi, go with Deku to make sure everyone stays safe~" Akira says, putting emphasis on the word safe. In actuality, I know Koi will be following me to make sure none of us escape.

I bow to Akira and Koi escorts me back to where us omegas are kept. When we enter the room, the omegas look scared. Koi orders me and the others to follow him outside. He also commands us to stay in check, or else. I shudder knowing what he means. If Kacchan and I's plan doesn't work, all of us omegas will be in for a rough beating.

Once all the other omegas and I are outside, I hear a loud explosion go off. More of Akira's alphas run to us and circle around all of us omegas, creating a barrier that we can't escape. I can hear more explosions, along with other quirks going off. I finally hear the sound of multiple people's footsteps running towards us.

I can't see anything since I am in the center of the omega group, but I hear Kacchan's voice ring out above everyone else's. "Give it up! The heroes are taking back all of the 21 missing omegas! We have already captured your ringleader Akira, so I believe it is in your best interest to hand over the omegas and surrender!" Kacchan's voice is strong and commanding. I hear the sound of handcuffs and soon enough the battle is over.

All of Akira's goons were arrested and the heroes took all of us omegas back to Kacchan's agency where we were questioned about the events and Akira's Den.

During my questioning, I was the odd one out since I had been a hostage at Akira's Den for just over three years. I told my story of how I was capture in an alleyway and forced into working under Akira. I told them how I was severely beaten and made to be a sex slave for Akira's clients.

After my testimony was over I was escorted into a private room. I was confused because all of the other omegas were out in the waiting area, seeing and being comforted by their families. I wondered what had happened to my mom, I haven't had contact with her at all since I was kidnapped. I was deep in thought when Kacchan came into the room.

He was in casual wear now, so I guessed he was about to go home considering it was pretty late at night. Kacchan sat down beside me and sighed. We sat quietly for a moment as I muster up the courage to ask what had been on my mind.

"Kacchan? Why isn't my mom coming to get me? She must've been so worried about me all these years..." I rambled on until Kacchan put a hand on my head.

I looked into his eyes. His crimson orbs looked at me with pity. I didn't understand. Was he pitying me because I had spent the past three years as a hostage, or was there something else on his mind? Kacchan finally spoke, "Inko Midoriya passed away about 5 months ago. She died of heart complications. I'm sorry Izuku."

My world came crashing down. I pulled away from Kacchan as I stood up from the chair I was sitting in. Kacchan never called me Izuku. Not once since he came up with the nickname Deku when we were kids. I couldn't help the tears that came flowing from my eyes. I began to sob uncontrollably. I couldn't believe that my mom was gone. The only family I had was gone. What am I supposed to do now? A weak omega like me with no quirk will just end up getting abused again...

I muttered under my breath just loud enough for Kacchan to hear, "What am I supposed to do?"

-DISCONTINUED- Explicitly Mine (BakuDeku AU Story)Where stories live. Discover now