Chapter square root of 36 (the GRAND FINALE)

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George Not Found loaded his shotgun. "I have had enough with you, Dream. Dream you must remove the command this is gone too far, i actually like mxm toon"

"what i hate that girl and I love all women"

"Exactly so leave me alone????"

And then Gogy shot me with his shotgun. But I am Dream and I am a Bitch but I am also a clutch master. I grabbed the bullets from the air like my role model Kirito from Sword Art Online and shoved them inside George's throat and then I kiss and spit him and then burn Gogy and fucking throw the body into the river

"Byeonara, sweet prince"

I o7 and leave because MY name is Dream and I am a Bitch. Pog Champ. I hate everything

Not Dream's POV

But little did Dream know, mxm toon was watching from a cliff. Her strawberry dress swayed in the wind.

"I love Gaming and Girls. GAMER GIRLS! Pog Champ. I hate everything"

will mxm toon get her revenge? i don't know

ok bye

MY name is Dream and I am a BitchWhere stories live. Discover now