Jeno smiled at his ceiling as he laid on his bed remembering the way his crush hugged him as they fell asleep at Chenle's house the other day. A red tint climbed up his neck and flushed his ears before reaching his cheeks as he remembered the way Jaemin had smiled at him as he hugged him on Chenle's living room couch. As the black haired boy got lost in his thoughts he failed to notice his door open until his mom was right there looking down at him. Jeno jumped slightly as his mother's face appeared in front of his own. His mother laughed before speaking, "Renjun and Jisung are here, hun."

"That's right," Jisung said as he appeared in the doorway with a cheeky smile on his face, "now get your ass off that bed before I drag you off it."

"Rude!" Jeno said before he stood up. "Why are you guys here?" he continued as Renjun appeared behind Jisung.

"Because we wanted to hang out," Renjun replied, "now come on."

"Fine," Jeno huffed as he headed towards his friends, "let's go then."

"Ok, so," Jisung said as they headed away from Jeno's house.

"So?" Jeno inquired.

"How are you going to tell Jaemin hyung you like him?" Jisung responded with a roll of his eyes as if it was obvious.

"W-what?!" the older spluttered.

Renjun laughed then spoke, "I saw you two at Chenle's the other day, he obviously likes you back. So, now you need to confess."

"How about no,"Jjeno stated as his ears turned red.

"Oh come on, hyung," Jisung whined.

Jeno cringed at the younger boy before sighing, "fine."

Renjun smiled and nudged him with his shoulder as the reached a little cafe they frequented and headed towards one of the light blue booths by the window. A purple haired, skinny boy in a black apron and pastel blue shirt approached them. "Hey Taeyong," Renjun smiled at said boy.

"Hey," Taeyong smiled back, "the usuals?"

Jeno nodded and Taeyong walked away in the direction of the counter.

Since Jisung, Jeno, and Renjun were regulars, they know almost all of the staff and had become pretty close to some of them. Taeyong included.

"So," Jisung started, "how are you going to confess?"

Jeno's face flushed as he shoved it into his hands, "I have no clue. I have no idea how to go about doing this."

"So you're asking for our help." Renjun interjected.

"Not really, I just don't know..." Jeno started

"So you're asking for our help." Renjun once again interrupted.

Jeno sighed, "Yeah, I guess so."

"Ok," Jisung said as he clapped my hands together, "I have some ideas..."

"Sorry to interrupt," Taeyong said as he set the tray he was carrying on their table, "but your order is ready."

The boys smiled at the older and thanked him.

"So," the purple haired boy started as he slid into the booth next to Jeno, "what's up?"

"We're helping Jeno hyung figure out how to confess to his crush Jaemin," Jisung answered.

"Oh," Taeyong smailed as he turned and looked at the younger, "I'll help."

Jaemin slung his arm around Jeno as they entered a convenience store, "What would you like?" he questioned as he smiled down at the older.

"Tteok-bokki," replied the black haired boy.

"You got it," the younger said before heading down one of the many isles.

Jeno plopped himself down at one of the tall tables next the store windows and rested his cheek on his hand. He sighed as he stared outside at the rain pummeling the pavement, he was slightly relieved, and slightly frustrated by the thing that had ruined his plan. He huffed and turned to see Jaemin returning with his tteok-bokki and ramen for himself. Jaemin hopped onto the chair opposite of Jeno and slid over the tteok-bokki, "I hope I got one you like," the pink haired boy commented as he started eating. Jeno smiled as he started eating as well,

"You did don't worry."

The boys quickly ate their food and chatted as they did so, when they finished Jeno took their containers to the garbage bin, "hey," he started as he walked back to the table, "do you want something to drink?"

"Yeah sure," Jaemin replied.

"What do you want then?" Jeno quizzed.

"Banana milk."

"Okay, be right back."

Jeno shuffled down the drink isle, trailing his hand along the items on the shelves while wracking his brain for another way to confess to Jaemin. Then it hit him. Why not just tell him, plain and simple, no need for grand gestures, if Jaemin liked him as well, he'd be happy just hearing the older confess.

Jaemin sat at the table bouncing his leg up and down while watching the clear rain drops drip from the green canopy outside of the store onto the wet sidewalk, when his banana milk was slid across the table to him with a small pink sticky note attached. Jeno sat down and hurriedly opened his drink before taking anxious gulps as he peaked at Jaemin from underneath his eyelashes, waiting for the other to read what he had wrote.

Jaemin's eyes widened slightly and Jeno nervously chewed on the rim of his coke bottle. After what felt like forever Jaemin lifted his head to look at the person across the table from him, and his lips parted into a gorgeous smile. The one Jeno fell in love with.

I don't have much to say for myself, i just had writers block and procrastinated pushing past it. Sorry D:

Also ya'll watched the untamed cause damn


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