Chapter One

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I woke up with a groggy feeling in my head. Vision slowly crept to my eyes as the darkness blurred into what seemed like a classroom. A girl with dark purple hair was poking my stomach.

"Why're you sleeping so long? The rest of us have been waiting forever. Wake up already!" she demanded. I gazed at her with a confused look as my sight came to full working condition. Soon I noticed that we weren't alone.

"We were trying to start introductions, but she insisted that we wait until you awaken. You're a pretty heavy sleeper considering." A boy with a black school uniform said, standing up tall with his hands at his side. "Now that you're conscious, we should just get to know each other's names. My name is Brian Rorre, I'm the Super High School Level Prefect. We've already decided that none of us are exactly sure of what happened, except that we woke up in a classroom, with the last memory of walking into Hope's Peak Academy. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that we need to get to the bottom of this, but it's more of a priority to at least know who each of us are."
"Okay, if that's all, I'll continue." a girl with short, dark red bangs stated boldly. Her hands were on her hips and her gaze was strong. "My name is Luxanna De Couteau, but you can just call me Lux. I'm the Super High School Level Photographer."
"Haha nice to meet ya! I'm Leo Fradulenti! Super High School Level Trickster!" he said quickly, kind of like he inhaled ten gallons of sugar before he spoke. He was of average height and had a rather slender build.
"Trickster? You've got to be kidding. I guess they let anything pass for a talent these days..." a tall boy with thick biceps said, loud and clear.
"Haha yeah, is yours stupidity?" Leo asked smirking. The boy with the large muscles quickly lunged at Leo, but tripped over himself and landed in a heap.
"I didn't think you'd actually fall for that!" he yelled, giggling. He was pointing at the boy's shoes, who were tied together in a knot. How he had time to pull that stunt so stealthily, I had no idea, but the victim didn't seem too pleased.

Brian stepped in between them before anything could happen. "Remember, we're introducing ourselves." he said slowly, making it sound like a demand.

The muscular man softened the daggers he was glaring at Leo a bit and spoke. "I'm Raphael Befello, Super High School Level Fighter."

"Explains the guns you have there," a slightly short girl said, smirking to herself. She had two black braids coming out of each side of her head with pink highlights mixed throughout. "I'm Jinx Mahiru, Super High School Level Luck." She had a small chain necklace around her neck with two small pink die jangling against each other. "This is my brother, Haru Mahiru. He doesn't speak very much, but he's the Super High School Level Brainiac." She pointed to a tall boy sitting at a nearby desk. He wore glasses that covered his eyes, but he seemed extremely thin, as if he hadn't eaten for days, and you could see his cheek bones very clearly. He barely acknowledged his sister's introduction for him, as he just sat there and stared at the floor.

In order to pass the awkwardness, Brian broke the silence. "Um, so what is your talent?" he asked a girl sitting next to him. She had on dark skinny jeans, and a cardigan covering a small crop top. Not only were they all from designer brands, but she was gorgeous.

She just smiled and waved her curled brown locks. "Isn't it obvious? I mean, duh, Super High School Level Beauty. I'm not even dressed up and every boy in this room is already foaming at the mouth over me." My cheeks became a slight tint of pink as I realized I was staring. Several others also seemed to snap out of their stupor; she knew how to keep the attention on her. "Anyways, I'm Veronica Davilia; let's hurry up and get this meet and greet over with."

"As you wish, my lady." a boy with blonde locks, dressed in a white button down and dress pants said. Veronica even seemed to be slightly blushing, along with some of the other girls. "I'm Edward Princeton, Super High School Level Heir. It's a pleasure to meet you all." I'm not sure what kind of charming affect he had, but several of the girls were swooning.

"BORING!" the girl that was poking me awake before yelled. She had a finger pointing to her mouth as she imitated a gagging expression at the prince. Edward looked slightly taken aback, but kept quiet. "Haha I'm Samantha Duons - Super High School Level Musician! I prefer Super High School Level Rock Star, but whatever! Let's get the intros over with and stop wasting time! You!" she said, pointing to a frightened girl, sitting on one of the desk chairs. "What's your name and talent!?"

"H-hello everyone. You ca-can call me Skai. Skai Madison. I'm the Super, Su-Super High School Level Programmer. I work well wi-with, computers." a girl said timidly. She was dressed in a long skirt and a button down top that was way too big on her. She was small, and reminded me of a lost puppy hiding in a corner. It was obvious she had trouble with socializing.

"Great to meet you, Miss Madison." a voice from behind me said gently. "I'm Sully Expelatrix, the Super High School Level Shaman." He didn't seem like much, with just jeans and a tight overcoat on, but his eyes were bursting with emotion. It looked as if they were changing color each second.

"Are you gonna put a hex on someone or something!?" Skai asked, sounding somewhat frightened.

"Shamans aren't a real thing girl, just freaks with tarot cards and crystal balls. You don't have to worry about foolish things like that." a composed girl said, speaking formal with a tone of condescending rudeness.

"She wouldn't have to worry, but you should watch yourself. Who're you anyway?" Sully questioned.

"Penelope Wissle, Super High School Level Artist. I was just saving this poor girl the trouble from dealing with a fraud like you. She shouldn't be hanging out with some voodoo charlatan." she answered back calmly.

"That does it!" Sully began, but Brian pushed him down into a desk seat. Since Brian was a pretty tall guy, he had about six inches on Sully, and probably seemed pretty intimidating from his point of view.

"Let's just cool down, and not do anything we might regret." Brian said clearly. Sully just gritted his teeth. I was honestly impressed with Brian's patience and leadership qualities which were keeping us in check. Without him, we'd have already broken into two fights, and who knows how many more.

"Moving along, I'd just like to say hello to everyone! I'm Delilah Green, the Super High School Environmentalist! I love animals, and plants, and everything that has to do with nature!" she smiled. She was wearing shorty shorts and a tank top with leaf imprints on it. Her grin was genuine and cute, the kind that could make the most depressed people smile in return. My thoughts were soon interrupted by a deep voice.

"I'm Josh Newman, Super High School Level Athlete." a well-toned boy said. He was wearing green basketball shorts and a tight-fitting black shirt. After he finished speaking, he leaned back against the wall, and folded his arms. I guess he only spoke when he needed to.

I searched the room to see if there was anyone I didn't know yet. One girl with short blue hair and a detective's cap was sitting, looking deep in thought.

"What's your name?" I asked her.

"I could ask you the same question." she responded, slightly annoyed for some reason.

"I asked first." I smirked, letting her know I wouldn't back down.

"I'm Naoto Night, but I prefer Night. I'm the Super High School Level Spy. Now it's your turn." she said quickly.

I soon realized everyone's gaze was peering at me. I was the only one left who hadn't introduced myself. I gave a quick cheesy smile and spoke. "My name is Tamaki Senpi; I'm the Super High School Writer. Kind of a boring talent, but it's better than nothing."

"No no! That's so cool! Do you have any novels? How many have you sold?" Delilah asked, eyes bubbling with excitement. "I just love to read! Maybe I read one of your books!"

I was about to list a few of my best sellers, but was quickly stopped by Brian. I almost forgot the situation we were in, and I could talk about books for hours upon hours.

"Okay, so now that we all at least know that we were all entering Hope's Peak Academy in order to pursue our SHSL talents, we can begin discussing what happened and why we're all here. Is this some kind of orientation ceremony?" Brian questioned to no one in particular.

"Upupu, of course stupid! What kind of headmaster would I be if I didn't have an opening ceremony for you guys!" a childlike voice screamed behind us. We quickly turned around and saw a black and white bear plush doll emerge from a podium. "I'm Monokuma and I'll be your new Headmaster!"

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