Portland (1)

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Lizzie ran to the right, feeling her anxiety rise as an arrow struck the wall a little bit behind her. She kept moving even though she could feel the exhaustion seeping in and encouraging her to stop.

But she couldn't.

If she did that, it was guaranteed that she would die and be brought back as a minion to the Necromancer.

And there was no way in hell that she was going to let that happen. Besides, her sister was relying on her and Lizzie wasn't going to fail her, not again.

Suddenly a burst of magic slammed into her and she was thrown off her feet. Her backpack, which she had over one shoulder, landed a few feet away.


Lizzie could feel rocks digging into her back from where she laid in a dazed state.

Come on, Lizzie, get up.

Lizzie groaned slightly as she pushed herself into a seating position. She immediately spotted the 7 people rushing to surround her.

One of them was holding a crossbow directly at her face.


"Lizzie Saltzman, the Necromancer is going to be pleased to see you," One of them said, mockingly.

Her flight or fight instincts kicked into gear and since flight wasn't an option, fight it was. Lizzie shifted and started siphoning from the bracelet on her wrist as subtly as she could.

When she had enough magic, a smirk appeared on her face.

They were screwed.

Lizzie narrowed her eyes, focusing on the one witch of the group.

"Ignalusa," Lizzie chanted and the witch caught fire. The woman screamed as the flames surrounded her entire body but there was nothing she could do as she burned alive.

The others in the group turned horrified as they had no idea what to do.

Lizzie used that distraction to her advantage and shouted another spell.

"Phasmatos ictus," Lizzie said, causing all seven, even the still burning witch, to go flying backwards.

Lizzie got to her feet, smiling as her magic vibrated just under her skin, ready for release. She looked to the left and saw the man who had the crossbow earlier standing up.

"Phasmatos ossox," Lizzie said with a dark look on her face.

The man cried out as both of his legs shattered, along with some of his ribs and spine. He fell to the ground in agony.

Was that too harsh?


Lizzie saw a woman stumbling to her feet out of the corner of her eye. The woman was reaching for a gun of sorts.

Lizzie flicked her wrist, sending the gun out of her hands into a tree. She faced the woman and made a lifting motion with her hand.

The woman rose with her hand, then she threw her arm forward. The woman struck the tree behind her. A branch sliced through her stomach.

Lizzie moved away and glanced at two guys that still had yet to stand up. They must have hit their heads when she blasted them backwards.

They were on their stomachs and Lizzie cocked her head in consideration.

She made a gentle motion with her hand and they were flipped on their backs. Then, Lizzie held her hands out and telekinetically grabbed their hearts, tearing them from their chests, sending them flying into her open hands.

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